I just had a miscarriage at 5 weeks and one day, What are my chances of this happening again?!

Question: I just had a miscarriage at 5 weeks and one day, What are my chances of this happening again.?
I am 22 and My husband and I have one healthy 2 year old. We want to try again but are both scared I will miscarry again. This is my fist miscarriage and the doctor could give us no reason why. I do have bacterial vaginosis though which we are about to treat. Are there any good questions or common reason of miscarriage that may reoccur and I should ask my doctor about. I also have tilted uterus.

also he is giving me the option of a D&C. What are the pros and cons.? How long do you bleed after a D&C.?Health Question & Answer

Starting with the d&c... it just helps speed up the process of a miscarriage. It also ensures all of the biological matter is removed from your uterus. There's no timetable for how long you bleed.

As far as normal, most women have miscarriages. It's not uncommon at all. I have had 4 miscarriages and 4 healthy births. All of my miscarriages were less than 7 weeks.

You've got to understand that it is usually a good thing. Your body is policing whether this embryo is viable. Obviously, it was not and your body took action.

For the record, I do not believe in abortion. However, this is significantly different.

And almost all women who have miscarriages will be able to conceive and deliver just fine. Especially for you, as it was early. My kids are proof. Health Question & Answer

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