A question about periods...?!

Question: A question about periods....?
okay, so i know that when you have your period, its your uterus shedding its lining...but how come all that comes out is blood.? and not any lining (or that i can see)...i mean, i know i dont want chunks of uterus lining coming out of my vagina! but im just curious as to wear it goes. and also...why does it bleed sooo much.? i have a really heavy period at least 3 out of the 6 days i have my period. i heard the uterus isnt THAT big, but it sure does bleed a lot!!! why.?Health Question & Answer

The uterus is preparing itself for a fertilized egg, so when that doesn't happen, the lining is shed.
The amount of blood doesn't have to do so much w/the size of the uterus, but the thickness of the lining. Everyone I know has a few days of heavy bleeding, this is just the body's way of ridding itself of the lining in time to prepare for the next cycle. The human body is amazing.
The amount of blood isn't actually as much as it looks, if it were to be measured. Sometimes you will see 'chunky' blood, nothing to worry about though.
The lining is blood because that is what nourishes a fetus.

Hope I helped some. :)Health Question & Answer

A woman's uterus is VERY vascular (lots of blood supply), simply because it may be supporting another life someday. And you were correct - period blood is the lining of the uterus being shed. No, your not going to have 'wallpaper-like' shedding coming out, it comes out in a liquid form. Since it is very vascular that is why there is usually so much blood. You can think of the period as your uterus 'changing its bed sheets for its guest' once every month. It is always getting prepared for a baby to be concieved and this is its way of staying maintained. Health Question & Answer

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