How can I cut back on my coffee consumption?!

Question: How can I cut back on my coffee consumption.?
I drink multiple POTS a day of coffee. I've got a bit of insomnia, so I drink coffee mainly to avoid falling flat on my face.

I realize this is damaging my health in the long run, but how can I cut back.?
I've tried cutting back on my own, but I just can't do it without being incredibly tired.Health Question & Answer

*Clutches coke to chest*

Hey Fallon, I reckon we should go Cold Turkey together, I'm also suffering from too much Diet Coke, I'm scared my teeth are gonna fall out any day now!!

Switch to DeCaff like Milly said, I am useless at beating addictions though!
>> Ooh yes, I'll send you some Yorkshire tea, its scrummy!

Good luck. :)
also, maybe you should get help for your insomnia, it's a pain in the ***!! The doctor gave me some pretty good leaflets and info.Health Question & Answer

Start by purchasing a 50/50 blend of Coffee. This will cut your caffeine intake by 50% regardless of if you drink the same amount. You can also buy 1 can of decaf , 1can of regular and mix it , Each time using more decaf less regular till you ween yourself off the caffeine.
also , the risk / benefits of coffee consumption are not really known. The long term risks have seemed small or insignificant.
Although I will agree , too much will cause distress in the present.
I am interested to know where you heard coffee was bad for you. I have included a NY times article that explains some of the misconceptions of coffee drinking.
It will complicate existing conditions , but more than likely not cause any long term health risks.
OK , but having not so white teeth is not unhealthy.
I unfortunately can not speak first hand about teeth whitening products , but my understanding is they can cause sensitivity problems.
Anyway , if you do not want to suffer the short term withdrawals of caffiene you will need to ween yourself off , just like a junkie.Health Question & Answer

l drink a lot of coffee and it was causing a lot of migraines, so l swapped to decaff and it's helped with the migraines and it's also a little healthier for me, although the cost is the same. Doesn't seem to cause stains on my teeth.

Maybe you should do a deal with Soph, swap your coffee for her coke!

Or try drinking tea instead, get some camomile tea, it has calming and relaxing properties, may help with the insomnia.
l like Twinings Wellbeing Blends, Camomile and Spiced Apple, helps calm me down after chasing around after the pup all day!Health Question & Answer

I used to have the same issue,
what you need to do (to trick your body)
is the first pot can be caffeinated...but the second decaf. or you can do half caf then decaf. decaf still has a little bit of caffeine

I have ACTUALLY weaned myself off of regular coffee! now all I do is go to starbucks when I get a headache (yes its still got a lot of caffeine...but less than a whole pot. and I hate 'wasting' coffee if you know what I mean)

caffeine addiction sucks-I know this. eventually it will start hurting your stomach and giving you acid reflux
it also is a diuretic which means it makes you pee A LOT and you lose the water in your system and it bloats you

good luck!!

Health Question & Answer

You can go to decaf, I know, I know, but at least, it would bring you down easy off the caff, just make one pot with caff, then make the next 2 without, it will slowly allow you to come off of coffee,....cause the decaf stuff is awful tasting.......

the caffeine is what is keeping you fulled loaded and not sleeping..

same thing you get hooked on caffeine with soft drinks and it takes forever to get off of them also.

good luck..

or you could try chewing Trident, sugar free gum, every time you want coffee, but would not suggest you chew it when you go to bed, it gets all over your face and hair, ha haHealth Question & Answer

Try to drink tea instead or hot chocolate or energy drinks or whatever else you'd prefer to substitute.Health Question & Answer

the coffee is keeping you awoke, try just stopping Health Question & Answer

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