Ahh im freakin out! doc said it could be ovarian cyst or appendicitis?!

Question: Ahh im freakin out! doc said it could be ovarian cyst or appendicitis.?
I went to the doctors because i had a HORRIBLE pain like in the area where you get cramps. and they said it could be ovarian cyst or (they said very unlikely) appendicitis. so they ruled out any ovarian problem. and there kinda done lookin for things. so here i am in pain and paranoid im like gonna die or something. any body have that pain befor.? or know what is it.?Health Question & Answer

what did they say about your appendix. if they have ruptured you need to get them out asap I would see another doc. I don't like to send people to the doctor if I don't have to but if it is your appendix it can be serious. it could also be that you need a colon cleanse when your colon gets to full it can start hurting I know I have had this happen a lot. I thought I was having a appendicitis once and they did ex-rays and test and found that my colon was so full it was pressing on other organs and causing the pain. I did a cleanse and it went away now i know when I get this pain what I have to do. but I would rule out the appendix first. also it has been known that some people have their stomach on the right side instead of the left and it can hurt like that also my niece has this problem.Health Question & Answer

Well, I would like to hope that they ruled out appendicitis considering that it's usually life threatening.

I have had this before and sometimes it's because I haven't used the bathroom for a few days and sometimes I forget that my period is coming and all it is is PMS cramps.

By the way, I do have a poly-cystic ovary and that can cause menorrhagia and some other symptoms.

Sorry I couldn't help more. I hope you figure out whats wrong and it's treatable.Health Question & Answer

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