Underactive thyroid and Biopsy?!

Question: Underactive thyroid and Biopsy.?
I am a 27yr old female and have just been told I have a severely underactive thyroid. The doc originally thought it was caused from Hashimotos disease but has since discovered it wasnt. My thyroid is very swollen. I have had an ultra sound and now the doc wants a biopsy. Can anyone shed any light on as to why he would do a biopsy.? He hasnt said much to me. Thank uHealth Question & Answer

When a gland enlarges, it is due to a deficiency. Each gland has a particular mineral that it must have for it to function properly and to prevent it from swelling to compensate for the deficiency. The Prostate gland requires zinc, the adrenal gland, copper, and the thyroid, IODINE.

When doctors tell you that you have an under active thyroid gland it usually means you had a blood test and your TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) came back higher than normal on the test. If the thyroid enlarges, it is typically referred to as a goiter.

I would do your own investigation along with allowing your doctor to do his investigation as well. The reason for this is that doctors are typically lazy in regard to the thyroid, especially. Most of the time, they rely on the TSH test and possibly the T3 and T4 test to determine if they should put you on a drug. They do this instead of looking for the "root cause" of the thyroid problem because it requires an understanding many of them do not have or they are just lazy.

The biopsy is a way for the doctor to determine if you may have a problem like cancer cells. It is a good thing to know and rule out. Most likely, you have a severe deficiency in iodine that is so typical and common in America today. A very quick test you can do yourself in the comfort of your own home is to go to the drug store and purchase a small bottle of "Tincture of Iodine" and in the morning, paint a 2" x 3" patch on your forearm. Note the time of day. Watch this patch and when it disappears, note the time of day. If it goes away before 24 hours, you are deficient. If it goes away in a few hours, you are very deficient.

Hashimotos disease is thought to be an autoimmune disease, but that is not accurate. It is generally caused by an infection somewhere in your body. Bad dental work generates lots of infections in the mouth under ALL amalgam fillings, root canals that are done to the "standard of care" established by the ADA that most dentists follow, and ANY extractions you may have had, especially wisdom teeth. An infection in your parathyroid gland can also reflex to the thyroid. This is not an accepted medical diagnosis, but testing has shown this to be the case. Your endocrine is a system of complex relationships and the thyroid gland is one of the glands in that system and when one gland is affected, it affects ALL of them. This is why many women gain weight on birth control pills (Synthetic Hormone Therapy).

I would do the iodine test ASAP and determine if you have an issue with that first. If you do, realize it takes several months to correct that and you need to take the correct kinds of iodine, not the typical doctor drug route. Before getting on a thyroid medication that takes the ability of the thyroid gland to produce hormones and sentences you to a life long drug routine, fix the iodine issue first and then retest after several months. The next thing is to make sure ALL your teeth are in good shape. Don't go see the typical dentist that doesn't even know how to recognize "NICO" in dental x-rays, but see a biological dentist that can truly help you.

good luck to you

Health Question & Answer

Please don't worry. Thyroid biopsy is usaully done to rule out thyroid cancer. I know the big 'C' right.? I have had 3 thyroid biopsies in the last 3 years because of an existing thyroid nodule. It is a common procedure, usually done with as a Fine Needle Biospy. They are looking to get several samples of your thyroid tissue.

From what I understand Thyoid cancer is the most treatable cancer and the prognosis is usually very good. Odds are you don't have it but it is best to rule it out either way.Health Question & Answer

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