My friend has extreme stomach pains "only when she is in school." She's a swimmer and today after a tough practice she threw up. She eats well for the most part (the occasional pb&j dinner when there is not enough time) and says that her stomach feels completely fine when she is at home, it only hurts when she is in school, particularly in the pool area. She has a lot of responsibility, she's in a rigorous program at our school of which she is Valedictorian, is the captain of the swim team, and is the editor of the yearbook. However, this is NOT more stress than she had last year, when she was a junior and had even more **** to do and she was fine then, so PLEASE for the love of God don't just say it's just stress and think you're helping, cause that's what I initially thought it was and it's obviously not. also, NO she's obviously not allergic to anything in the pool area seeing as she's been on the swim team for the past 4 years and has been fine every other time, she's a life guard. Thanks so much for reading, I am extremely worried about my friend could somebody please help me figure out what's wrong with her.?.? Her family is very poor and she only lives with her mother, she refuses to tell her mother because they can't afford a doctor that she "doesn't really need."
9 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.
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6 minutes ago
Oh and her stomach usually hurts prior to actually getting in the pool and stays that way the whole practice/meet, so she's not simply overexerting herself. It's not just around the pool area that her stomach hurts though, it's the entire school in general. There can't be something in the school that is hurting her because then it would affect some of the other 2,800 kids and would have affected her the past four years.

PS Sorry for the annoying caps haha nobody answered beforeHealth Question & Answer

This sounds to me like a nervous condition. Maybe there is something more bothering this girl than what even you know. I know you don't want to hear that stress could be a contributing factor, but it very well could be. Stress and worry causes ulcers, and ulcers causes extreme stomachaches and vomiting.

You're right, it's probably not an allergy to chlorine or an environmental problem in the school, which would make everyone sick. It's just her, and just while she's at school. I do think there is something in that school that is mentally or emotionally bothering her, which is causing this to happen.
I know thats not what you want to hear, but that is what I think...Health Question & Answer

You need to have your friend go talk to a school nurse or counselor at school they will be able to help. From what you have stated it sounds like she may have anxiety issues possibly leading to an ulcer.Health Question & Answer

She really needs to see a doctor.Health Question & Answer

Try talking to the school nurse to at least get a good opinion on what could be up.Health Question & Answer

you tell her mom and maybe offer to pay.?Health Question & Answer

This probably isn't much help, but you should call a doctor.
See if they can tell you anything over the phone.
Then you may not have to worry about cost of a doctor as much.
Because chances are they won't charge you for anything they tell you over the phone.
And she should tell her mother. Even if she is hesitant about it, because of the cost. I'm sure her mother won't deny her medical help if she feels it is truly needed.
And I know, you have already commented on this, but she could be allergic to something, she could have developed an allergy to something that she hasn't had a problem with before.
How long has this been going on.?

Yes, it may be something psychological.
But they may also have changed something, such as chemicals in the pool, or how they clean it, etc.
You should really talk to a professional.Health Question & Answer

Despite what you think, it is fairly obvious that this girl has "issues" when it comes to swimming in particular, and school in general. It sounds very much like she is suffering from anxiety. Just because she was O.K. last year, doesn't mean she is O.K. this year. She may not realise this herself. Is there a school counsellor she can see.? If it was a medical problem, it wouldn't suddenly go away when she is as home. If she can't talk to her mother, she needs an adult she can confide in. She really needs to talk to someone, because this will get worse if it is not addressed.Health Question & Answer

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