Labia Problems - I cant be happy - I am 16, please read!?!

Question: Labia Problems - I cant be happy - I am 16, please read!.?
Im your average 16 year old.I have a problem though, my labia is on the large side and because of it I dont feel beautiful, people say I am gorgeous, but all I see is a freak, they are about 2 inches unstretched. I just feel like all my friends dont have them and they have perfect bodies! She is a bit of an easy girl though. She is my age and always goes out and get drunk and then has dry sex (clothes on) with boys she barely even knows or seen 2-3 times. She also says she gets fingered and gives bj's but she must have the 'perfect vagina' for that. I just feel ugly with it and I cannot be sexy. And when I where a swimming costume, I always have to wear shorts with them because I feel so insecure!. I hate my body, how can I change it. I cant change my thought os my bottom half ever, im not normal and definitely not beautiful.

Please help me think otherwise, but only if you mean it! xx

Thanks.Health Question & Answer

First off, quit focusing on this 'easy' girl here. Let's focus on YOU.
So what if your labia is not the average.? Doesn't mean you are a freak. Being 16 is a very vulnerable age in itself and yes we tend to be a little insecure about our bodies. We tend to crave approval from others when all we need is approval from one's self. What you have is a difference, not a flaw. As far as the girl you mentioned, can you honestly believe that this girl feels good about herself.? She is validating her worth as a female by gaining attention in a very negative way. You are at an age where you don't need to worry about being 'sexy'. We live in a screwed up society where a woman has to look a certain way to be admired. Which in turn feeds into the minds of our youth. I know this is easier said than done, but it's the proud of how you were created. Don't look to anyone for validation!

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what they hell are you worrying about, how do you know that your not normal have you inspected your friends privates.?.?.?.? lol. but seriously don't worry most guys are just so pleased to see that part of you and do stuff that they would'nt give a dam. and your friend does seem at bit permiscuous and she should be careful but thats her problem and she will have t deal with the consequences.Health Question & Answer

That doesn't sound abnormal to me at all. It certainly would not bother me. Look, all women are built a bit differently. You're not abnormal, you're just you. And to let you in on a little secret, guys don't even notice that unless they're so huge they reach your knees. And another thing, don't compare yourself to anyone, especially sluts like your friend. She's not an example you want to emulate.Health Question & Answer

honey theres no such thing as the perfect body, we all have issues im sure ur friend doesent think she has the perfect body and by the sound of it shes pretty insecure to do all those stuff with random guys, im sure shes only doing it for the attention if shes doing it at all and not just making it up. Health Question & Answer

I really feel that at 16 you shouldn't be worrying about the appearance of your labia. Everyone is different. No two vaginas look the same and no one vagina is perfect. Accept the way it is, the boys won't be bothered I can promise youHealth Question & Answer

honey they come in all shapes and sizes. your not a freak. mine is a bit on the long side too and i thought it wasnt normal compared to diagrams ive seen in health class but now i know from yahoo answers that its perfectly normal to be different.Health Question & Answer

There is no such thing as "the perfect vagina" everyones is different, the only way you would be able to change it would be to have surgery and i PROMISE you that you don't need to do that! You are perfectly normal xxHealth Question & Answer

this is normal for some girls...if you are really upset about to someone first, and one possibility is to have surgery done....this is the extreme...just a bit of info...some boys love girls who have "flaps" sorry if I offended ya. at any rate, good luck!Health Question & Answer

Im 14 and I have this too. With me it actually happened over night , I felt really sad and insecure but I have learned to deal with it. Everyone looks different and thats not exception for a vagina! so please dont worry (:Health Question & Answer

It's 100% normal to have different sized labias. Seriously, nobody cares. Why are you so worried.? Health Question & Answer

dont worry!!!! everyone is different and im sure you are gorgeous!! you are 16 you have your whole life ahead of you! live it to its fullest!!
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there is actually surgery for this

XDHealth Question & Answer

Guys don't care about that. They will think you vagina is pretty no matter what if the right person gets to see it. Everyone is different. Just like some penises curve and are odd shapes. This shouldn't be a big worry trust me. And your friend is not handling things very well. I think she does all these random acts to make herself feel like people want her and like she's pretty. It's a confidence booster. But it is the wrong way to go about things. I don't advise looking into surgery because this can cause decreased sensation and loss of feeling. Plus I don't see how that would be worth it. Good luck to you.Health Question & Answer

There is nothing wrong with you...honestly. There is no such thing as 'perfect' either...everyone is different.
No offence to your friend...but she sounds like a bit of a slut....assuming she really DOES get upto all that. In my experience the people who brag about it the most....get it the least.

The obvious way to change your body would be surgery...but it would be an expensive procedure...though there's no real price for happiness.

I think you are worrying yourself un-necessarily...consider talking about this with your GP or local healthcare professional...they may have some advice to help you.
Try to stop worrying...the problem really is all in your head...soon enough you'll find a specia lguy to treat you right and all those worries will be long gone :)

Oh...and from a slightly chauvanistic point of REALLY aren't that bothered about how it looks......we're generally only interested in getting at it....not looking at it.Health Question & Answer

I wish you could have seen a documentary called 'my perfect vagina' it took a look at why some women aren't secure with how their vagina looks..every women's vagina looks different the way it looks it just how your body intended it to doesn't make you more or less beautiful depending on how it man is going to say i don't want to have sex because your vagina isn't beautiful enough. so don't worry about it your body hasn't even stopped developing yet & don't rush to have sex or be Intimate with boy's wait until your ready & please don't follow your friends example, if she had any respect for herself she would know that she's worth more than a quick fumble & guys won't respect her because of the way she is acting.Health Question & Answer

there is no point anyone saying "its not bad or dont worry" because you will still feel the same. i had a birthmark on my left boob and felt less of a woman for it. i finally got the courage and went to a doctor. i had laser surgery and its now a small scar and this has had a great impact on my confidence. dont compare yourself to that 'friend' becasue believe me a man would much rather have someone who has not been around the block and who has respect for herself. take my advice, go to a doctor and do something about it. there is a procedure i saw it on embarrasing illnesses. all the best xx
people are rating me badly because obviously they have not had a problem which affects their life- like we have. as you have to wear shorts i could not wear a bikini top. True no one is perfect but if it is bothering you it is worth fixing. Surgery wont cause loss of sensation because you dont get pleasure from your labia anyway. they just trim some off. The woman on the show was over the moon. xHealth Question & Answer

Have you ever watched television reports showing people and life in poor countries .? Despite doing without food, clothing, adequate shelter, luxuries - those people don't seem to be depressed. They are too hard at work just surviving. Our society has a plethora of "luxury-borne illnesses" - depression, addictions, eating disorders, phobias, fixations/obsessions about body/bodily functions, hypochondria etc. Your concern is one of those. Pretty soon those types of disorders may be eclipsed in our world: we are on the brink of world wide depression, financial collapse and the "end of the world as we know it". All we need is the final blow - a pandemic bird flu that is estimated to kill off maybe 50% of the world's population. Or we could get the last ditch effort of a dying, crazy dictator (North Korea) to start firing nuclear missiles. These are REAL concerns - life and death concerns. When you think about it with that perspective all of our problems seem minor, don't they .?Health Question & Answer

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