Sexual harassment? What do you think?!

Question: Sexual harassment.? What do you think.?
Hey, guys.
Here's the deal. At the school I went to my whole elementary school career, there was a Biology teacher who was a tad more...touchy-feely than others. I don't mean that in a bad way, I just mean he was a very hand-on-the-shouldery, lots-of-hugs kind of guy. Now this alone, not too bad. Here's the thing though. He seemed to take a special interest in me, and again, I don't mean that in a sexual way. He would always call on me, ask me to do favors, help me on tests, he favored me, you know.? Again, so I was the teacher's pet, so what.? Something just wasn't right. The tone he talked to me in, the way he said "hello" to me before class, the trying to help me while taking tests, it was just abnormal. Another time, after a got a C on a test, something I never do, and something that got me very upset, he told me, "I think you are actually a very bright girl", again, in just an unusual tone. Now, perhaps I am just being paranoid, or searching for drama, but it has stayed with me now a few years after I left that school. I know you are probably wondering why I am asking you, instead of a family memebr, and the answer is, I know they will imediatly over-react. I have been in a situation before when someone asked to take my picture, very inoccently, and he was fired because I told someone. He had a family, and really needed the money, and it has bothered me ever since. I didn't want that to happen again. I guess my ultimate question is, should I make it a bigger deal, or let it go. The unltimate concern is that I would kick myself repeatedly if I didn't say something, and he acted on another student. But I do not want to over-react and cause a scene for something that was no big deal either.

Again, he never actually did or said a thing directly sexual, nor did he imply it, but you know how you can sort of just tell when something isn't right.?

Thanks for the help, and feel free to tell me I am over-reacting, I won't be insulted.

Oh, and I asked this in this particular section because I really like the people here, and they are generally women. Thanks! Health Question & Answer

He sounds more fatherly than anything. Maybe you reminded him of his daughter or something.Health Question & Answer

Its a big world out there buddie, just let it go.Health Question & Answer

i wouldn't say u're over-reacting...i would advise u to let it go tho now that u're out of the situationHealth Question & Answer

From what you've explained... there is nothing wrong with the poor guy. Leave him alone, he's not the weirdo..Health Question & Answer

He may have been a weirdo, but probably not. If he was he would have done bad things to you. You probably just look like someone he knows, a lost family member perhaps.? The "very bright girl" thing is a typical teaher line. There is a teacher at my old school who hugged all the girls. He was definetly a perve, looked down girls shirts and stuff. Everyone got over it, though. Don't take it to heart, it was probably nothing :)Health Question & Answer

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