Why am i so tired during the day?!

Question: Why am i so tired during the day.?
and then when it gets bedtime i can't sleep.?
this is driving me crazy!

i have been so sleepy all day and now i can't sleep. any ideas why.?
please and thank you.Health Question & Answer

It sounds like the cycle I get into sometimes! aggravating, isn't it.?

here are some factors that can contribute to this cycle:

thyroidism - stress - depression - caffeine - not eating right, not excercising enough in the day - GERD - [acid reflux] - insomina - sleep apnea - allergies -

How to promote good sleeping habits-

Go to bed at the same time every night -
Do not sleep in on the weekends
Do not drink caffeine drinks [soda, coffee, chocolate] after 3 or 4 pm
Do not eat 3 hours before you go to bed - if you do - eat lightly - like a glass of milk and graham cracker -
Turn off the tv at least an hour before bed - give yourself some quiet down clues; get into your pj's, take a warm bath or shower, form a bed time routine, relax.

If you have lots on your mind, take time to write your thoughts down in a journal - or bounce things off with a friend... Listen to relaxing music, get some lavender or aroma candles - invest in a sleep visor to keep the light out - or make the room dark where you sleep -
Health Question & Answer

Could be a number of things. I've been through the same thing. I found out I was anemic. But when things started getting bad again I found out it was primarily due to stress. Stress & worrying can do a heck of a number on your body. Not sure if that's the case, but if your health continues to go down, just see your doctor.Health Question & Answer

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