How can I talk to my mom about getting me birth control?!

Question: How can I talk to my mom about getting me birth control.?
How can I talk to my mom about getting me birth control.? My periods aren't regular and haven't been for a while now and want to get birth control to try n regulate them. Im afraid she is going to think I want it only because my boyfriend is coming to visit me soon for few weeks and she will think me n him are sexually active. My bf and i have talked about everything, and id like to get birth control in case something is to happen while he visits. I love him and we both want to but we have been waiting. I'd still like to get birth control to regulate my periods and just in case something happens. Health Question & Answer

Well if you are having irregular periods and have been for awhile it may be a good idea to check in with an OB/GYN anyway. There are several reasons this can happen from not ovulating-common if you are a young teen- to ovarian cysts-common too. Or it could just be that your cycle is a little whacky. Talking to your mom about birth control can be touchy, but worth the effort. Approach her as adult like as possible and be honest about your reasons for wanting it. Tell her how you feel, your feel on sex with your boyfriend and your desire to act responsibly on your feelings. Just in case I suggest trying condoms and a secondary method of birthcontrol like a sponge, spermicide gel, foam, etc. If the talk with mom doesn't go well and you feel that you and your boyfriend are close to taking that step you can always visit a planned parenthood office. They are very helpful and operate on a sliding scale fee basis that is very affordable-free condoms usually too. Good luck and it's great that you are being responsible with your body. P.S. I always suggest using condoms to protect yourself from STD's and having regular STD testing done every six months after you do become sexually active- your body is your temple-protect it. Take CareHealth Question & Answer

Sweetie Sweetie Sweetie... If your so young you need your mom to get you them honestly your to young. Birth control never completely works. On the chance it didn't work you have a big Commitment so just wait it will be special show affection in diffrent ways honestly :)
Hope you consider this Health Question & Answer

you just answered your own question

tell her it to control periods, to be safe in case of something unexpected, you love each other, and that your ready for this kind of responsibility,

good luck :) Health Question & Answer

dont tell her about any boyfriend's or your sexually active stuff.
just tell her that you want to regulate your period better and that it helps keep your skin clean and clear up acne.
hopefully you can get some...Health Question & Answer

Just explain to her that you want to get try to get your period's back on track

Don't bother telling her that something might happen between you and your boyfriend, we don't want her worrying.Health Question & Answer

first of all how old are you.? And you wanting birth control is it for the right reasons such as your monthlys or for sex. I can only tell you that when I was younger my periods were all mixed up I had 3 periods in 1 month and sometimes they would last for up to 10 days at a time and birth control helped regulate me and I knew when my monthly came and didn't have to guess when. But if your asking for any other reason such as having sex shame on you wait until you get my married. I can speak from experience my 18 year old daughter had sex and got pregnant and now she and we are helping raise her son. Its very hard on her sometimes so please please don't have sex until your married.Health Question & Answer

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