What should I do please read details! Girls only please.?!

Question: What should I do please read details! Girls only please..?
I am having a period but I haven't told anyone. My mum might already know coz she washes my underwear, but I don't want to tell her personally coz i'm having it way earlier than my sister and its kinda embarrasing. I have swimming tomorrow but we don't have any tampons and I don't think I can pull off being fake sick, coz my Mum knows that I hate swimming lessons so much. Can someone please give me a solution or at least an easy way to get yourself outta school.?Health Question & Answer

are you nervous about going to the swimming lessons.? cuz i know its bad but like whenever i get into water my period stops. so i think you can get in water with out bleeding. and i suggest telling your mom, cuz hun i got my period when i was 9. and told my mom right away. but sister who was 10 at the time didnt get hers till she was 12. so i had mine a few years before my older sister. its just your body telling you that it has matured. your mom will understand. or you could write a note to her.Health Question & Answer

the best way to get out of swimming lessons is just to tell them you got your period, that is the easiest way to convince anyway to let you slide. Don't be embarrased it just leads to more embarrasement, imagine if you are forced to take those swimming lessons, not a good scene. ALL WOMEN have periods, you are normal, and you can get it at any age. You are becoming a woman, and that is something to be proud of. But, if you want to put yourself through then you can easily ask your mother to take you to the store, grab some tampons along with other products, and go home without her even knowing. It's up to you. But eventually you are going to have to tell someone.Health Question & Answer

Just tell her the truth. she's been through the same thing so she can't get mad at you. I was nervous too but i just talked to her in private and straight out told her that i just had my period. you are lucky cause you have an excuse to wear tampons instead of uncomfortable pads!! LOL Hope i helped :)Health Question & Answer

girly, just tell your mom. She won't be embarrased and she won't tell your sister so it doesn't matter. Ask her to get some tampons so you can go swimming.Health Question & Answer

I can't give you any sollution other than just telling her. It might seem embarrassing but it is really no big deal, especially if she already knowsHealth Question & Answer

jus tell her u got ur period and ask her 2 get u tampons or 2morrow tell her tat u ve really bad cramps
hope i helped :)Health Question & Answer

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