What can I do about painful, heavy periods while at school?!

Question: What can I do about painful, heavy periods while at school.?
I'm 16, and I've always had a pretty heavy flow. Recently, my cramps have been truly unbearable, I feel like a truck is running over my midsection. Painkillers, Midol, and aspirin do nothing to help my cramps. I can barely walk sometimes, and the metal chairs at school do nothing to help them. I also get lightheaded and nauseated. The heavy flow makes me extremely uncomfortable.
Currently, I have no health insurance, so seeing a doctor isn't an option.
How do you girls deal with this.? Nothing seems to help my cramps, I had to go home halfway through school today.
Any advice is much appreciated.Health Question & Answer

If you know when your period will start .. consider taking a magnesium/calcium supplement to relax your muscles and relieve the cramping especially prior to bed

Realize that I'm offering simple and not strong remedies as you're a minor

A good multivitamin and take it easy during your period. If you have heavy flow you're probably iron deficient and the multivitamin should include an iron supplement, which is why you feel light-headed.

There's nothing like a hot water bottle on your stomach for the cramping at bedtime.. drinking warm water will also calm your system.

Believe it or not exercise does help relieve the cramps .. followed by a warm relaxing bath

You may want to check with your doctor .. instead of Midol try a homeopathic pain reliiever for cramps like Hylands.. it's easier on your system and with no coating you place it under the tongue so it takes effect quicker

Consider what you're eating if you eat junk foods, fried foods that make your system work harder to digest this will make the cramps seem worst .. easy does it, simple foods, no dairy, no meat.. get the extra sleep your body craves at that time of the month

Lastly .. every woman is different try and see what works for you .. wish you only the bestHealth Question & Answer

That's not good.
You could be Anemic from the blood loss. I have had this problem before.
Start taking multivitamins and eat foods rich in Iron and Zinc.

I have the exact same problem.
What I do, is i just stock up on the Super Plus tampons and Maxi pads.

Thats what lets me make it through the day.

As for the cramps, i try and keep a heating pad on it while at home. but as for at school, im not sure what you can do besides go to the nurse.

also, i went to the gynecologist recently and they put me on birth control pills.
They TRULY do help.Health Question & Answer

Oh wow! Try getting on birth control. I heard that helps. Or wait till a few days, then go to school. Have a friend get your homeworkHealth Question & Answer

I think you may have endometriosis. Check out this website:
http://www.nzendo.co.nz/index_home.htmHealth Question & Answer

well, it used to help my sister to put a heating pad on low over her period cramps, and take 2 advil every 6 hours. hope this helps!Health Question & Answer

i dont know how legit this is but since your in a lot of pain ill suggest it. someone once told me and i read it in a girls mag (17 i thinkk) that bananas are good for cramps. alsso try getting up and walking a bit(in the halls, around the classroom, between classes, etc) exercise supposably helps too(and thats probably the most "exercise" you can do during the school day. you could also tryy getting more calcium into your diet before, during, and maybe even a few days after your period. or start adding calcium to your daily diet even when your not on your period. the last thing i heard and have read about is that having an orgasm helps relieve cramps. but if your not into trying that i bet its perfectly fine. lol.

i hope all this helped you and good luck.
xoxo,,,?Health Question & Answer

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