I took plan B now my period is all out of whack!?!

Question: I took plan B now my period is all out of whack!.?
Is it normal.? One day after I took it I had some spotting but It stopped. I'm about 4 days late on my period. I read up on it and It said late periods happen.. but what are that chances of missing my period all together.? (and not be pregnant) Or does that spotting count as my period.?Health Question & Answer

Okay, calm down.

First of all, if you took it within the time limit (the first 72 hours after unprotected/accidentally unsafe sex--condom broke, etc.), you should be all right. Though the effectiveness does decrease if you take Plan B after the first twelve hours of unprotected sex, it should still be 89% effective.

If you took it outside the 72-hour time slot, go get a pregnancy test right away.

All of that being said:
Plan B is essentially the same as taking a massive dose of birth control pills (I believe it is the equivalent of about 4 or 5 birth control pills). The hormones will mess with your system a bit, especially if you're not on birth control (however, even if you're on BC, they can still mess with your system). Spotting/missing a period/having a period when you're not supposed to are all potential side effects, as I'm sure you've read.

I would still advise you to go get a pregnancy test, though. If you are pregnant, it is better to know now and be able to deal with it.

The best pregnancy test is DEFINITELY First Response Gold. It's expensive, but it's worth the peace of mind!Health Question & Answer

The spotting doesn't count as your period. The spotting is normal when taking plan B. Of course not everyone has the same reaction to it. But I know that I bled some after taking it.
But because you were so close to your period...it's possible that you'll miss it...plan b has hormones in that will affect your periods.Health Question & Answer

You just pretty much overdosed your body on estrogen, of course it is going to throw your period off. Spotting doesn't count.Health Question & Answer

whats plan b Health Question & Answer

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