Why does wearing a tampon stop my period?!

Question: Why does wearing a tampon stop my period.?
This has happened several times now. I have very regular periods, and I very infrequently use a tampon. But every time that I have, my period pretty much ends right after. This month, my period was very heavy, so I decided to use a tampon because I was getting tired of changing pads so much. I had it in for about 2 hours, took it out, and I've had a spot of blood in 24 hours. My period is technically supposed to be going for another 3 days. Has anyone else had this experience.?Health Question & Answer

This is what I think may be happening to you. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. You know how when you get a cut on a part of your body and you apply pressure to it to stop the bleeding.? Well, applying pressure gives your blood a chance to form a clot by slowing down the flow of blood. If you have a short and/or narrow vagina, then the tampon may be acting as a plug so to speak, thereby allowing your flow to slow down enough to form a clot. I don't recommend that you use the tampons during your heaviest phase. Clots also cause bad cramps when your cervix tries to pass them. If your bleeding is very heavy, try taking Motrin to slow done the uterine contractions that are the cause of heavy bleeding. also, be sure to take a daily multivitamin to avoid becoming anemic and to keep your body healthy. Hope this helps! Health Question & Answer

It happened to me once. It was the strangest thing. It was relatively mild. Not too heavy, but when I put the tampon in and took it out a few hours later, there was barely anything on it, and my period ended. Two weeks later, it came back, again relatively mild, but what was weird about it was I wasn't supposed to have another one for two and a half more weeks. I'm not sure why this happens..Health Question & Answer

I never had this problem... i think you should ask your doctor!Health Question & Answer

gurl u luckyyyyHealth Question & Answer

I would go and see a doctor and ask what his opinion is.

By using a tampon you are placing a foreign body in one of your most sensitive parts of your body.

It could be triggering a foreign body response in that part of the body. Any cut or open wound is an invite for invasion by bacteria or virus. In this case your body's defensive mechanism could be over riding the hormone cycle or hurrying it up in an attempt to seal off a weakness to foreign body invasion.

Tampons have in the past have been a cause of toxic shock syndrome. It been postulated that the tampons acted as foreign particles, allowing the bacteria that caused it to multiply.Health Question & Answer

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