What is good to take for energy?!

Question: What is good to take for energy.?
I have been tired a lot due to lack of sleep and unfortunatly I cannot get more sleep due to my schedule. Thanks!Health Question & Answer

A multivitamin...i love One a Day Women's formula...it has extra iron and things like that for women. also, make sure you are eating semi healthy and supplement with Vitamin C. also, vitamin B12 is AWESOME for giving you energy. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Unfortunately you need to change your schedule and get more sleep. You cannot make up for sleep deprivation using any food, vitamin, or drug. Your body requires sleep and will suffer increasingly more as you miss more sleep. The effects are cumulative. And dangerous.

Generally, lack of sleep may result in:

* aching muscles
* blurred vision
* clinical depression
* colorblindness
* daytime drowsiness and naps, excessive daytime sleepiness
* loss of appetite
* decreased mental activity and concentration
* depersonalization/derealization
* weakened immune system
* dizziness
* dark circles under the eyes
* fainting
* general confusion
* hallucinations (visual and auditory)
* hand tremors
* headache
* hyperactivity
* hypertension
* impatience
* irritability
* lucid dreaming (once sleep resumes
* memory lapses or loss
* nausea
* nystagmus (rapid involuntary rhythmic eye movement)
* psychosis-like symptoms
* sleep paralysis (while awake)
* pallor
* constipation
* slowed reaction time
* slurred and/or nonsensical speech
* sore throat
* stuffy nose
* weight loss or gain
* severe yawning
* decreased desire for sexual activity
* delirium
* temper tantrums in children
* symptoms similar to:
o Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
o alcoholic intoxication

There's more at 1st site given below:
From second source:
"sleep deprivation impairs the ability to integrate emotion and cognition to guide moral judgments."

Just Google "sleep deprivation" and read a bit about it. Human bodies and minds require sleep. If you don't get enough there are significant consequences.
Health Question & Answer

Take a multi vitamin and maybe a little extra B-12. Caffeine pills but coffee is just as good.Health Question & Answer

caffeineHealth Question & Answer

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