About the health and physical condition of women in the USA?!

Question: About the health and physical condition of women in the USA.?
I am 42, and reasonably fit. No I am not in perfect health.

What is up with women these days.? I had to start dating a woman that is 53, and past menopause. Nobody my age is in good enough health to keep up with me (both athletically and sexually).

I get up anywhere from 3:30 to 4:30 am during the week. I run 3 miles. On weekends I get up a little later, but run 5 miles. I take the stairs, not the elevators (at work that means 6 flights). I hike up hill all the time. I can easily hike 10 miles and bike even father, without resting.

I have tried dating women that are younger than I am. First of all, getting them out of bed before 6:00 is hard enough. Few of them can walk up a steep incline, or ride a bicycle very far. They are either 30-40 pounds overweight, or so damn skinny that they have no strength. What has happened.? Junk food.?

Oh, BTW, I have a desk job just like everyone else. It is not about the career choice.
Health Question & Answer

I really doubt that most women get as much exercise as you do. Especially if they have kids, because kids wear you out. I feel like a lot of women work out more for the physical appearance than for maintaining health (getting those abs, slimming down to fit back in those jeans). also if you're tired, chances are, you don't have energy to eat the best foods either (even more so if you don't have the money for it). It's always easier to pop in a few Hot Pockets or buy a few things off Mickey D's dollar menu.

Good for you for maintaining your health! I want to be like you when I'm your age.Health Question & Answer

I can do that stuff! Just not all at once! ?Health Question & Answer

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