Why can't my doctor help me with my period problem?!

Question: Why can't my doctor help me with my period problem.?
I started having my period when I was 9. Ever since, I've had trouble with it. I used to have it for 3 months in a row, no stopping. My womens doctor put me on birth control to regulate my period. It got regulated and she took me off of it. I started having them for long periods of time again. She put me back on birth control and I had bad side effects. My stomach twitched, diarrea, nausea, and other things, but my period was regulated. She took me off of them because my blood pressure was high because of the birth control also. Its been over a year since I've been off the birth control. I am now almost 15 years old. Now I go 2 or more months without my period and it will start and it is so heavy. It lasts for 5 days and then I go another 2 or more months. I have to wear panty liners all the time in fear that my period will start at school unexpectedly. My doctor said she was thinking about natural hormones but will never take action. I just don't want to have to worry all the time. I have other things going on right now, I was hypoglycemic, not sure if I still am and my skin turns purple or blotchy, my mom knows what it is because shes a nurse but the doctor cant figure out why it does that. I have hair that will kinda grow on my face because of my hormone problem and I pluck it or wax it. It is nerve racking being a self conscious teen with all this going on. Help!Health Question & Answer

gosh, i just dont get it. Why and how does that happen.? I wish the doctor was a help to you! What are they there for. Keep looking into it, go to more doctors even if it is a stress. There is some doc out there that can solve your problem. :) I hope i helped and all goes well. Health Question & Answer

Perhaps you need to see another doctor, another gynecologist or may be an endocrinologist.

A single doctor cannot know everything. It does not mean they are poor doctors, it just shows that they are human.

I am an an RN.Health Question & Answer

be happy you're not deadHealth Question & Answer

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