I am having trouble getting up in the morning..?!

Question: I am having trouble getting up in the morning...?
well first off. my bed is like 4.5 feet off the ground. huge, but keep that in mind.

i set my regular alarm clock which is all the way across the room, and i also set 2 alarms on my cell phone. i will get out of my huge bed to hit the snooze button and climb back up to go back to sleep.. i do this sometimes for 2 hours before i actually get up!!

any ideas besides the stupid flying alarm clock, runaway clock, or sonic boom clock.? ive already seen those... THANKS! Health Question & Answer

ive had the same problem. to solve it i started going to bed earlier instead of 2 or 3 in the morning i know go to bed around 9 or 10. i still have the same amount of alarms that go off 3 on my cell phone plus 2 on my regular alarm clock. to make sure i dont go back to bed turn all the lights on, take a cool shower in the mornings, and also go outside for a few minutes. i read somewhere that studies show its easier to get going in the mornings if you can get 20 minutes of continuel light as soon as you get up. also fresh air wakes you up. if you like coffee make a cup and then sit outside and drink it. when it gets too cold to sit outside open all the curtains and blinds and sit near the window. also try turning the radio on in the mornings and listening to music and the news. good luck hope i was of some helpHealth Question & Answer

Apparently you can set your internal body clock - i heard all you have to do is make the last thing you think at night be the time you want to get up. Focus on that time as you fall asleep and in the morning you should wake up at that time. Then just make sure you get out of bed. once your out and standing up you should be fine.Health Question & Answer

I used to have alarms going off at different intervals too, and still couldn't get out of bed. What I did at some point, was limit myself to just one alarm. The one that was scheduled to go off last. This way there was no time for snooze. What happened was, as opposed to waking up several times during the morning, I got all the sleep I needed and was more vibrant and could get up and out of bed more easily and awake.Health Question & Answer

first, here is the theory:
sometimes, a person cannot go back to sleep if he had to urinate. the smell of urea/ammonia is very alerting.
so, since the main problem is actually getting out of the bed.
i would suggest to keep some kind of fragrance near the bed. personally i wouldn't suggest using the glass cleaner (which contains ammonia) because i don't think it is a good thing to start your day (not because it isn't healthy).
you have to experiment for yourself. i prefer you try whatever fragrances you have each day and then choose the one that best suits you. Health Question & Answer

Lots of people have this problem, myself included. You need to train yourself - a year ago I started a day job 8-5. I have always worked in restaurants prior, having the complete opposite schedule.

This is what works for me - even though I STILL have a terrible time in the morning and with the snooze button.

Force yourself instead of turning off the alarm to just walk straight to the bathroom and jump in the shower. Just stand there and wake up. It is the only way that I can do it. Good luck.Health Question & Answer

Firstly check what's time when you have go to your bed,I think as your problem you will dafinately late night awaking.

If you have change this bad habbit then definately all problem will be automatically solved.

Pls made schedule time of your all activity from awaking to sleeping.

Sorely your all problem will be solved after fallow this as my opinion.
Health Question & Answer

i did the same thing as well. maybe not for 2 hours but always at least 1/2 hour. until, i came to a simple realization, im going to be tired if i wake up at 5:00 or 530, and ill feel exaclty the same. so i jsut get up!!!! waking up sucks, as much as they say u get "used" to it u dont. u jsut get usedto not being as tired though out the day. start settig ur alarm later that way u have no choice but to wake up or be late!!! good luck. Health Question & Answer

Are you getting enough sleep.? You should get 7-8 hours a night, unless you are a teenager, then you need about 9.5. If you are getting enough sleep I would go to the doctor to discuss this. Many medical issues can make you feel tired like, depression, anemia, sleep apnea, and many others. Good luck! :)Health Question & Answer

Try going to bed earlier. also, instead of going directly back to sleep, make yourself some breakfast or hop in the shower. Both of those activities will help to wake you up. Health Question & Answer

Try exercising lightly before you go to bed, and making it your aim to jump straight in the shower after waking up.

Get your iron and thyroid levels checked, too!Health Question & Answer

You may be having a disrupted sleep during the night.
Causing you to be tired more so.Health Question & Answer

Go strait to the shower...not back to bed.Health Question & Answer

What time do you go to bed.?Health Question & Answer

simple......don't climb back in!!!Health Question & Answer

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