Why does it seems like no matter how many hours of sleep I get it's still not easy for me to get out of bed?!

Question: Why does it seems like no matter how many hours of sleep I get it's still not easy for me to get out of bed.?
I sleep a regular 8 hours every night but lately it's been really hard for me to wake up and start my day. Much like the old saying "five more minutes". I've become addicted to my snooze button and often have to rush to get to class on time.

Why am I so unwilling to get up for class, I wake up at the same time every day and try to get 8 hours as regularly as possible, so I don't know why my snooze button has become my best friend. Any advice.?Health Question & Answer

Perhaps you're not eating properly. Try having a small snack right before bed so your blood sugars won't be too low in the morning. The other thing that comes to mind is that you don't really want to go to school. It's hard to get up when there's nothing to look forward to in the day.Health Question & Answer

Not really, because I try to get at least 8 hours, and still have trouble getting up in the morning, But sometimes I am fine. And ready to go, and other times I feel exhausted all day. I think its my hormones, the birth control, and my period, and probably PMDD.Health Question & Answer

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