HELP!!!! Flu shot and pregnancy?!

Question: HELP!!!! Flu shot and pregnancy.?
I got a flu shot last Thursday. On the questionaire it asks "If you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant please consult the nurse practioner before receving the flu shot" I didn't think anything of it. For the past few days I've been feeling sick, I thought it was because of the flu shot but I missed my period so I decided to take a pregnancy test last night and it came back positive. I won't be able to see the doctor until next Monday. Is there anything I should be worried about in regards to being pregnant (maybe 4-5 weeks) and getting a flu shot.?

also, I've been having pretty bad cramps in my lower abdomen, some what like a menstrual cycle and I feel a weird bubbly feeling in my abdomen as well. Sort of like when you are 5 months pregnant or so and the baby starts kicking you. That's what it feels like. But like I said, the doctor is not in until next Monday. I didn't have this problem with my first pregnancy, could the flu shot be causing the discomfort.?Health Question & Answer

I got a tetanus vaccine about 2 days before I found out I was pregnant. I had the same things happen plus my boobs got sore which I thought had something to do with the shot. My Dr. said the cramping was just implantation and the bubbly feeling was gas or my uterus getting prepared. I went to the Dr last week and they actually tried to give me the flu shot but I refused. They told me that it was safe for pregnant women and any gestational age. You should be fine.Health Question & Answer

no you are fine. That bubbling is you being pregnant. The flu shot has zero to do with it. They recommend against it because the flu shot can sometimes cause you to get a mild case of the flu (or sometimes severe). However, if you got your flu shot a week ago and are not hunkered over a toilet throwing up and feeling all sorts of sick and nasty... you are fine and it is in your head.

Again, the weird feeling in your stomach is just you being preggers and nervous.Health Question & Answer

You'll be fine... my doctor made me get a flu shot when I was preggers with my daughter so that I wouldn't get sick, just let your doctor know that you've had it already because he/she will advice you to get one... the feeling in your abdomen is normal, if you are preggers then you should be feeling stuff in your tummyHealth Question & Answer

i think it should be fine because my friend was on her 3rd trimester and she did get a flu shot with me!
you can get some lower abdominal pain while you are pregnant because your body is stretching inside.
but yes, you should consult a doctor on Monday.Health Question & Answer

You should be ok. I was pregnant and got the flu shot. When you get the flu shot and you are in the first trimester it is like the flu times 10. it sucks! if you spike real high fevers then go to the ER. Good luck!Health Question & Answer

Call your doctor and make them aware of the situation. Only your doctor can make that determination.

Or go to Urgent Care and have them take a look see to ease your worries.Health Question & Answer

That should be fine. Here is an article about this topic:

Talk to your doctore, but you and your baby will be okay. CONGRATS!Health Question & Answer

You need to go see your OBGYN. Health Question & Answer

I wouldn't worry a whole lot.
It's somewhat like taking a Tylenol.
But make sure you consult your doctor first. Health Question & Answer

I wouldn't be terribly worried about it, babies go through a lot worse than flu shots and turn out just fine. Many mothers drink and smoke and find out they are pregnant and then stop. (This was the case for my little sister and she turned out fine.) There are many warnings not to do this or that when pregnant, mainly for the protection of the company against lawsuits. Since you are going to the doctor on monday, just tell them about the incident, and I'm sure it will be fine. The flu shot does give you a minor case of the flu, so that could be the reason for the pain and stuff. Just relax and get lots of sleep and nutrients to help stalve off the mini flu and you'll be fine. Congrats though!Health Question & Answer

I wouldn't think that it would be a problem simply because you are so early in your pregnancy. I know a lot of the things that they say can cause problems in your pregnancy usually don't cause any major issues in the first couple of's around the 6 week mark that they really start to be of concern from what I remember from my developmental pyschology class. Even so, I would call the doctors office and tell them you had a flu shot before you found out you were pregnant...and tell them what your symptoms are. See if there is another DR. or a PA that you can see if they think you should get checked out. Health Question & Answer

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