A little help-Discharge?!

Question: A little help-Discharge.?
okay. I got my period about a year ago but I keep getting discharge. Will it ever stop.? What happens if you have sex.? Will the guy be like disgusted or something.? no rudeness please n thank youHealth Question & Answer

Vaginal discharge is normal and will vary based on your menstrual cycle. Your vagina is a self-cleaning, self-lubricating organ and the discharge is kind of like a rinse cycle keeping everything clean. There is a normal ph balance that can be disrupted by douches, antibiotics, etc that can change the discharge. It is very possible to get a yeast infection after taking antibiotics because the antibiotic kills of the normal bacteria that live in your vagina.

See your health care provider if you notice pain, itching, a foul odor, rash, or sores in your genital area. Yellow or green color can signal an infection.

Clear and watery or clear and stretchy is considered normal. Thick and white discharge is considered normal at the beginning and end of your cycle. Light brown spotting after a period is also considered normal.Health Question & Answer

Vaginal discharge is between periods in completely normal. It is just your vagina's way of cleaning itself out. Sometimes there will be more of it than other times (that can be caused by exercise, ovulation, if you are tuned on, or for no reason in particular). It will continue as long as you have your period and it is natural. It also helps lubricate your vagina for sex, so guys actually find it a turn on if you are 'wet' down there. You have no reason to be worried or embarrassed. It can be annoying but every women gets it to some degree, and we all have to deal with it. Hope this helped :-)Health Question & Answer

Depending on the color, consistency, etc., it may indicate a health problem.
Read this: http://women.webmd.com/vaginal-discharge...

If it appears clear ir a little whitish, then it's normal. And no, guys won't be disgusted. They like it because more of it indicates that you're having a good time. It's natural lubrication that your body produces in response to being stimulated. Although, sometimes it happens in response to nothing, which is probably what you're having. Health Question & Answer

well you get discharges 'cause the female body cleans itself in the inside. and it'll stop only if you get your menopause, or you do something about it. and sex is a beautiful thin depending on who you do it with. and nope its not disgusting, kinda hurts, but everyone has a different experience, you'll enjoy it after wards! your welcome!Health Question & Answer

Discharge is just a part of being a woman. If it has a bad smell or itching, and burning is involved then you need to go to the doctor, but wetness is normal. You might need to wash up more often. There are wipes that they sell in Walmart, they kind of look like baby wipes but they for women who sometimes have a little extra moisture down there. They work really good and they're pretty cheap!Health Question & Answer

Discharge isn't a good sign, especially if you have a lot. You could have some sort of a yeast infection. You should check up with your doctor. And as for thinking discharge is disgusting, it's not disgusting as long as you're mature about it.Health Question & Answer

I think that it will eventually stop, but I can't be sure. If you have sex, sure the guy will be disgusted! No guy wants to have sex then find out he has liquid all over him! (I'm sorry if that was rude, I didn't want it to be) Health Question & Answer

discharge is normal for some women, it depends on your weight and health. when does this discarge happen, all the time before or after your period.?>Health Question & Answer

Well I know I'd be disgusted...Health Question & Answer

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