Could it be that I'm pregnant?!

Question: Could it be that I'm pregnant.?
I posted a few questions about three or four weeks ago pondering if I was pregnant as I had almost all the early signs except for the missed period, although I did start it was ver abnormal. I went to my doctor. She did a blood test and it came back negative for pregnancy. of today I have been off my birth control 21 days. I started my somewhat period 18 days ago. Reason why I'm off is because somehow the hormones in my last pill pack got messed up causing all my problems so the doctor suggested me stay off until my next cycle. Me and my husband have had sex at least 6 times unprotected without him pulling out....yes, I agree, he is dumb. The last time we had sex was 14 days after the start of my period. As of today, which is day 18....I have no signs of pregnancy I do not believe, but my nipples are enlarged and very very tender. My breast are somewhat tender, and I've had some light cramping which is probably me ovulating which that started Sunday, day 15. I have not changed laundry detergents, always wear the same type bra and this has never happened. Even before I started birth control 4 years ago my breasts never hurt before I started. Just wondering what it could be. Don't want to freak myself out AGAIN thinking I am pregnant. We have only been married 2 months and we are not really ready for a child. Any info or advice is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!!Health Question & Answer

I would be surprised if you ovulated this quickly after being on birth control pills for four years, and off them only 21 days. The bleed you experienced 18 days ago was a hormone withdrawl bleed, not a regular period. That's why if was so weird. You are currently in a state of hormonal flux, with your natural hormonal cycle trying to kick in. You are also a newlywed, a pleasant stress- but a stress none the less. That can also do weird things to hormone cycles. All the things you mention are quite normal for the first month or so after you stop taking birth control pills. It can take several months, sometimes up to a year, for the normal monthly cycle to kick back in- and the longer you were on birth control the longer it can take. Most usually things sort out inside about six months or so. In the meantime, predicting ovulation will be nearly impossible. If you and the new hubbie don't want to be parents, you will need to use some form of birth control to prevent that happening. Withdrawl is not a form of birth control you want to depend on either- and unprotected sex is just not a good idea. Both of those are invitations to parenthood. At the moment I doubt you are, but it remains possible, yes. You can try using home pregnancy tests to set your mind at ease if you like. You would also do best to try to chill out on the whole matter. Stress of any sort just has a bad effect on the cycle, stressing over a period not showing up can delay it as well. Best to think positive, and use birth control of some sort, and wait for your body to sort matters out. As things calm down and you adjust to the new life as a Mrs., things ought to sort themselves out just fine.Health Question & Answer

BUT YOUR DREAMS MAY NOT. :)Health Question & Answer

ok..your nipples dont change until your breasts start producing milk and that isnt till after 8 weeks pregnant. the FIRST sign of pregnancy is always a missed period, and then 2-3 weeks after that is when you start seeing the breast enlargment, nausea, headaches, backaches, etc. so i wouldnt take your nipple changes as a sign of pregnancy, your hormones are probably just messed up from going off the pill.

use condoms if you dont want to get pregnant. having a baby isnt a game, its serious and life changing and shouldnt be taken as joke.Health Question & Answer

Well if you dont want or think you are ready to have a baby - you should have used protection!!!!

You could be pregnant - i had symptoms as soon as i concieved (mainly nausea, sore breasts and frequency going to the bathroom).

Only way to know for sure is to test.

I know you said you have only been married two months and arent ready for a baby - sounds VERY much like my situation. I have been married 3 and half months and am 12weeks pregnant!! Altho it was not planned and a BIG shock to us (my BC pill obviously didnt work too well) - we arre coping. I hope that if you find out you are pregnant you have support from friends a family, it can be difficult in the first few weeks, but trust me once you ease into it, it isnt that bad!!!

Wish you all the best huni xoHealth Question & Answer

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