Appendectomy during pregnancy?!

Question: Appendectomy during pregnancy.?
hi everyone, hope someone can help! Im a newbie!!

Im currently 27 weeks pregnant, and 10 days ago i had to have my appendix removed in an emergency operation. However now i am home, and i just had a few quite general questions.

First - the scar (which is different from a regular appendix removal scar due to it being 6 inches long and running vertically down my natural stomach muscle line ... basically an open surgery, not the usual 2 inch one beside your hip) is very painful - not infected, just the surrounding muscles make it hard to walk, sit, cough, sneeze laugh etc... is this normal.? how long did it take to get a bit more 'normal.?' Did you have any problems with the scar during the remainder of your pregnancy.?

How about back pain.? Because of risk to baby i was kept awake during op, and they used an epidural instead of knock out drugs, but now my back really hurts! Is this a result of the epidural, or them raking round trying to find the little infected bugger.?

also how did you feel after your op.? I know a stupid question - but ever since the operation i have been super weepy - maybe because it was an emergency operation, and all of a sudden i was being told maybe i and / or baby could die, and high risk of pre term labour etc etc.

Now i cant relax - i get the normal round ligament pains preggo women get and i panic, im freaking out at every single stretch and ache, and im always walking on eggshells.... im just so scared something will go wrong again...

is this normal.? how did you get over this.?

I appreciate any advice anyone could give me! Thank you

FifiHealth Question & Answer

I'd say the back pain is related to the epidural (I still get a twinge 10 years after my last one!) and heaps of people have a funny reaction to drugs which are anaesthetics, whether generals or epidural/spinal block types. The last general I had (which wasn't even vaguely baby related) turned me into a sooky, paranoid mess for about a month, not to mention the shivering for days afterward and that was without the added fun of the pregnant bawling at the drop of a hat. Don't worry - it'll eventually leave your system. All I can suggest is to be very gentle on yourself. Health Question & Answer

I was not pregnant when I had my appendix removed but, to me the 2 inch scar was already painful for about a week I didn't really want to move (still showered and stuff, but laid in bed and mostly slept). I imagine a 6 inch scar would hurt even worse and for a little longer.

Try to relax, I know you are nervous but the op went fine and soon you will relax anyway.Health Question & Answer

Your back pain is most definately from the epidural, it will take awhile to settle, i would be emotional too if i had surgery whilst pregnant, so i consider your mood swings perfectly natural, think positive cos you & your baby survived this, years ago you may have died so thank god for modern medicine.
You will get over it, and in years to come you will talk about this time with a smile and a laugh....just think you will soon have a beautiful baby to cherish and adore.

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