Abortion: to see or not to see?!

Question: Abortion: to see or not to see.?
My cousin is doing a study on abortion in Britain for uni and we came across a website of interest.

Do you think if people saw these images the abortion rate would drop or do people prefer not to know the truth.?
How does it make you feel and has it changed your mind or feelings towards whether an unborn child is really a mass of cells.?


would appreciate feedback for my cousins studies. Thank youHealth Question & Answer

I could never ever bring myself to abort a baby.
Especially since having my first child.

I wouldn't ever be able to live with myself.Health Question & Answer

I think that it should be the woman's choice to kill the fetus as long as it does not feel and cannot survive on the outside. There have been babies that have survived at month 5 outside of a womb so I think that the 5 month mark would be a good time to forbid all abortions. Before 5 months I think it would really be the mother's choice. I'd prefer if people didn't recklessly have sex though and reported rape earlier on so alternatives could be used to avoid an unnecessary abortion.

People will talk about woman's rights and how they are being violated by outlawing abortion and that makes sense but when that baby can survive outside we are talking about a woman's rights and a baby's rights. You wouldn't kill a a baby after it has just been born would you.? How about the day before it is born.? Technically is it still inside the womb so does that mysteriously mean the woman has the right to say say whether a human being lives or dies just because it is inside her.? Late pregnancies are murder to me. But as long the baby cannot live outside the womb I believe that it's life truly is in it's mothers hands.Health Question & Answer

What do people expect when they have an abortion.? A pair of fluffy handcuffs and a teddy to do it, no, of course there are instruments there that look terrifying, those instruments are there to abort the baby, not save it,but so are the dentists instruments terrifying. I find the fact they have put the instruments used to conduct abortion on there completely irrelevant, and would not change my mind. Abortion is entirely the choice of the woman, if she wants to abort, fine, it's her body, no one else's.

*** and also these people who say a baby is a baby at 2, 12 or 24 weeks... A baby is a baby when it is concieved. At a week old it's a baby, not just as soon as it hits 12 weeks (and to quote "looks more human")Health Question & Answer

I am against abortion, unless there is health issues.

But honestly, this will never change anyone's mind about abortion. There are so many teens/women are having their babies and killing it so, I suppose it is the right choice for a person to abort the baby before they take their first breath in life.

I pray for them.

Health Question & Answer

that's not even half of what ive seen trust me, there was a programme on tele and it had explicit scenes of how they abort these tiny foetuses,they pull their body parts apart if they are too big to scrape away honestly it brang tears to my eyes,why do you think they try to get the abort time down to 12 weeks.? because the foetus is more human like then you think and in my eyes that is murder,although i think abortions should only be given in circumstances :)Health Question & Answer

Very graphic site.

Sadly, I honestly don't think it would change a woman's mind if she saw the pictures if she already had her mind made up.

There have been horrific pictures of smoker's cancer ridden lungs for years, and even after seeing them, people continue to smoke.Health Question & Answer

Abortion is about womans rights.Health Question & Answer

its evil...

watch this .?vid=326" rel="nofollow">http://www.truthtube.tv/play.php.?vid=326Health Question & Answer

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