So heres my question...?!

Question: So heres my question....?
... whats the whole point of birth control.? ex. my friend is on birth control cuz shes taking something for her acne. ANYWAY, I was just wondering why women take them.? Health Question & Answer

Many women use a form of birth control so they have a lesser chance of becoming pregnant.

Estrogen (found in the Pill) helps clear the skin by decreasing levels of testosterone.

Taking oral contraceptives can reduce the risk for both endometrial and ovarian cancer by more than 70 percent after being taken for about 12 years.

When on the Pill, there is no ovulation, so the uterine lining doesn't build up as much. So the Pill makes women bleed less for a shorter time, and have little or no cramping. That's a real good plus side for us women.

Hormonal shifts during the second half of the cycle are the main cause of PMS symptoms. The Pill can provide relief by steadying hormones.

Endometriosis can lead to scarring, severe pain, and sometimes infertility. The Pill stops the growth of tissue in other areas by reducing the hormones that cause the lining to build up.

Women on the Pill can reschedule their period so it doesn't come at a bad time. Some pills such as Seasonique, and Seasonale make it so you only have 4 periods a year.

The Pill doesn't cure PCOS, but it does offer symptom relief to sufferers.Health Question & Answer

Women take them from several different reasons. Besides the obvious, to prevent pregnancy, it can be taken to control acne, regulate periods so they're predictable, Or control painful PMS symptoms. There might be other reasons but this is all I can think of right now. :)Health Question & Answer

Birth Control is to control birth or if you can't understand the obvious its so they can have sex with a lower chance of becoming pregnant some people take the to regulate their piriods thoHealth Question & Answer

prevent birth, acne, period cramps, and also shortin ur periods.Health Question & Answer

the answer is in the question.

common sense here: ITS BIRTH CONTROL

ok... now think about it... birth.... control... serouisly kids Health Question & Answer

So they dont get pregnant.Health Question & Answer

to prevent.....oh idk BIRTH!!!Health Question & Answer

no babies.Health Question & Answer

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