Ladies only questionnn?!

Question: Ladies only questionnn.?
This is very embarrassing, but every so often I'll be getting changed or going to the bathroom, and I'll notice that my pubic hairs are all clumped together by this dry "substance" that is caked on my pubes. I can get it off but it does hurt to try and pull all the crap off. the stuff itself is sorta whitish/Tan. I haven't had my period yet by the way. I'm just wondering maybe I'm not washing correctly, or something.? And if you know any proper ways to prevent this from happening please share!

Thanks, Abbey

Hehehe good one Yahoo
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Holidays>>Christmas>>Valentines dayHealth Question & Answer

That's discharge and normal, you might want to wash more often when you are having a discharge.
Don't start shaving your pubic hair, it hurts and itches when it grows back in, just wash more often.Health Question & Answer

well i would try scrubbing in the shower every time you take one, it could be clumped up soap or something, so make sure you rise really well, you could try shaving and then you wouldn't have to worry about it happening anymore, it's kind of hard to answer thus i've never had the problem, but that would be my best educated guess.Health Question & Answer

maybe its you baginal discharge getting all tabgled up in you pubic hair, maybe becuase your hairs down there are too long. trim the a little here and there.

its not hard to get a handle of a razor really.Health Question & Answer

It could be because of an yeast infection,or an UTI. I'd call and explain this to your doctor.Health Question & Answer

Shave.Health Question & Answer

eww. srry that just made me kinda dizzy. srry thats nevr happened to meHealth Question & Answer

Im a 42 yr old woman and i have to say you need to not simply get rid of the SYMPTOMS but rather find the PROBLEM and fix it!! Ive never known a brownish discharge to be anything "NORMAL"unless its after your period like the last day or so.You really need to SEE YOUR DR OR CALL HIS OR HER NURSE and discuss the course of action you should take wuith them.Since you are only 14 you really need to talk to your parent about this so they can give you the guidance and the ok to see the dr.If you dont want them to know(which is not a good idea you should let them know) but there is allways Planned Parenthood they can at least give you advice. Shaving and wipes and all that are fine and dandy ONCE YOUR SURE YOU HAVE NOTHING GOING ON down there ok.?Health Question & Answer

You are probably going to start your period very very soon.
Ways to prevent this from happening is to wear a pantyliner, and I do NOT recommend shaving. You will end up getting these pimple-like bumps on the top. Not very attractive.
I recommend a hair removal cream like Nair. Just rub it in and your hair will come off and it doesn't hurt and its a really smooth finish.
Good luck,
Taylor?Health Question & Answer


I think it is just a case of normal vaginal secretion combined with a need for more cleanliness. Instead of peeling the stuff out of the hair, just have a shower and wash it out. It is probably a good sign it's time to shower. Not in a bad way, it's just that when we reach puberty our bodies change and need more showers etc...

Some people say that women should just "let the water run over your genitals and they'll be clean", well I disagree, I use a small amount of body wash of one of those puff things and scrub right in the crack of my *** and also scrub the outside of my vagina.
Just rinse the soap away immediately, and be careful to not get any inside.

They also make "Wipes" for feminine hygiene now, so go look in the condom section at a drug store and you should find what you need.

You can also tell a pharmacist and ask for product suggestions.

I hope this helped:)


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