Girls question only please? (:?!

Question: Girls question only please.? (:.?
I'm 12 and i'm scared of having my period. Does it hurt when you first have it.? Doesn't it happen every 25 days.? I need information.

also, if I go to school and it happens, will it bleed through my jeans or khaki.?Health Question & Answer

To be completely honest, it all depends. Getting your period doesn't hurt unless you get cramps, and everyones cramps vary in pain. If you feel pain in your lower back and stomach, its a good hint your period is coming. Although, some people don't get cramps at all.
Your period comes every 28 days, but since your young your period will be irregular. It can come every two months, or every 21 days. It really all depends.
Be prepared, have pads or tampons in your school bag. Your going to feel your period when your sitting in class and usually it doesnt go threw your underwear. Make it to the bathroom quickly and you wont get any stains on your pants.
At first your period will be uncomfortable, but after a few months, you'll be used to it. Your period isnt a sickness so your able to do anything, with it or with out it. Health Question & Answer

hey dana, some people have told me it hurts, and others like myself feel no pain at all. it all depends on your body and your own cycle, it can happen every 25 days, every 30 even every 40 days. if you think your gonna have your period soon then start to look for feminine protection. maybe find a spot where no one can see it easily and hide them there until the time is ready. if you get it unexpected just go to the washroom, clean up as best as you can and use some toilet paper until you can get a pad or tampon. Health Question & Answer

chill i am 12 turning thirteen and i can honestly say you hardly notice you have it at first you might have one one week and have it a week later that is normal they will be irregular for a while i have had mine since last year i have mine right now to tell you the truth and you will prob not bleed through the first time unless you are wearing white pants or shorts that day then it will become noticeable and wear a pad not tampon it will hurt to wear a tampon you can swim without them trust me i go swimming on my period and i don't get blood in the water you will be fineHealth Question & Answer

well it can hurt yes, you can get some serious cramps, but some women don't get any. it does not always happen every 25 days some women are different and get it every 25, 28, 30 days it all depends on your cycle, and i wouldn't worry about bleeding threw your jeans, just carry something with you, and you should be able to feel when your period is about to start.Health Question & Answer

oh i hate having my period but no it doesnt hurt except cramps
not evry 25 days but it should happen evry month
when u go to school it wont bleed through just have some thing with u when it starts
you will know when it starts cus u will get cramps and mood swings sometimes
some people dont get that
and 1 more thing, when u on your period dont wear light cloth just in case it bleedes thorough.
hope i helped
good luck
Health Question & Answer

you might get cramps and that the normal pain we get every time we get our periods. I think you should as your mom everything about or you aunt or something.

It comes every 23-28 days it depends everyone is different.

The first time it wont probably stain you jeans but carry pads with you have them in your lockers in case it surprises you at school.Health Question & Answer

it does hurt a sometimes some girls don't get cramps some do it won';t bleed through your jeans or pants if change pad or TAMPON often enough when it first starts its not normal it takes two years for it to become regular her are some web sites that will give you some more information about it than i can tell you Health Question & Answer

From my experience, the day before I got my period, I had really bad cramps and I didn't know what they were. It doesn't hurt necessarily, but cramps can be painful. If you can't stand them try Midol or Tylenol, etc. Each woman's period is different, it could be 25 days, or more or less. Health Question & Answer

You are scared because of lack of knowledge and information - Read below everything about menstrual cycle, periods, first period, first tampon, menstrual hygienic products (just to be ready for first period)Health Question & Answer

Some girls get cramps. When you first start your period you will be irregular. Your first period is usually very light. If you start at school, it could bleed through to your pants. Health Question & Answer

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