Girls Only Period Discharge...10 points easy?!

Question: Girls Only Period Discharge...10 points easy.?
I get my period regularly every month for 7 days...When i finish i get the white discharge
I get that till the next time i have my that normal.?I dont get it loads but i get it everyday at least once
It dont smell or it's not gross in anyway..I just wana know if that's normal..if not why does it happen.?Health Question & Answer

1. Yes vaginal discharge is very normal after your period and at the beginning of your period most girls get vaginal discharge in between their periods

2. Yes I get vaginal discharge between my periods and it is very normal.

3. It is 100% normal for it not too smell and that is a good sign because that means you are good with your personal Hygena and if it ever starts to smell then that must mean you need to keep it more clean down there or you might have a bladder infection or urinary track infection or kidney infection which is treatable you would just have to tell your mom and then go to the doctors and then they will give you medicine like antibiotics and then it will probably go away and then you will be fine after that.

Signs Of A Infection

Smelling down there
Peeing all the time
Hurting down there
Hurting down there when you urinate

If you have anymore questions then I ask them and I will try to answer them if you would like and I appreciate helping you out by answering your questions and I really don't care about gettingg points that is not the reason why I answered your question but if you think I did a good job then you can go right ahead but if you think someone else did better then me then go right ahead and give them the points I wont be mad but if you ever need more advice then go right ahead and ask me I don't mind.Hope I Helped You Out!Health Question & Answer

yeah it's completely normal (so long as it doesn't smell, or isn't lumpy etc) everyone gets it. most people will get it most days too, and everyone gets it in varied amounts. as has already been said if it starts to annoy you or anything, you can always use a pantyliner :)Health Question & Answer

yes its completely normal!

it gets thicker before your periods, because its your bodys natural lubricant to make it easier to have sex at the time when you are ovulating, therefore the time you are most likely to get pregnant.

it also naturally cleans the vagina out - so it feels unhygenic, but its actually making you clean!

its normal! dont worry!

xxxHealth Question & Answer


Yes its nomal, its keeping bad bacteria out of the vagina whilst acting as a lubricant to keep the vagina moist..

Don't worry its all part of being a woman (lucky us ''/)


if it annoys you, you can get thin pantyliners, just to stop your underwear getting ruined if you get me.. x Health Question & Answer

Yes, it is normal.

I had discharge for almost two whole years before I got my first period, then I have been having, not heavy, but some discharge till my next one. So yes, its fine.Health Question & Answer

Yup it's normal, everyone gets it as far as I'm aware, it's just your vagina cleaning itself and staying healthy.Health Question & Answer

yes it's normal, every woman has some kind of discharge even if not every day. I usually just wear a pantylinerHealth Question & Answer

Its normal that's going to happen very often.Health Question & Answer

yes it normally happens to us girls! :)
nothing to worry about


xxHealth Question & Answer

completely normal honey! just go to the doctors if it goes a funny colour or starts to smell xHealth Question & Answer

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