I feel like a terrible person?!

Question: I feel like a terrible person.?
I'm 36 years old and 9 weeks into an unplanned pregnancy. I have two children already, a 16 year old daughter and an 11 year old son. I love my kids, and would do anything for them, but I really don't want this new baby! My husband is thrilled to death about it, but I am SOOO unhappy.

I'm worried about my health issues and I'm very worried about our finances. I just don't know what to do, and I am so sick and tired of people telling me that "it's a blessing" or "You should be happy!" When it feels like anything BUT a blessing, and I am most definitely NOT happy.

I'm tired of being sick, I'm tired of not being able to eat or sleep, and I'm tired of this feeling of doom. I feel like a rotten mother for feeling this way, but my other kids were planned, adored, and cared for.

I feel embarrassed and ashamed, too, I haven't told anyone but my husband. Am I really a terrible person for feeling this way.?Health Question & Answer

You have every right to feel what you do. Don't be ashamed. You have to do what you have to do. It is your body and no one can tell you what to do or what to feel. Take care. Do what is right for YOU!Health Question & Answer

omg ignore the first answerer. If you know in your heart that the baby was not planned and it has a chance of being a least favorite or getting lesser attention, then I would say it isn't worth it. Many people also have morning sickness and it is torture. Only you know what is right for you, and if anyone dares judge, then tell them you are not ready and they can shove it! Hope I helped! :)Health Question & Answer

I think that you should make this decision on your own or with people who are close to you. Don't let people here on Yahoo Answers influence you in any way. You are the one who has to make a choice, because it is you that this baby will affect, so don't let other people influence you; it is your decision.

Take care.Health Question & Answer

You should pray and ask for helpHealth Question & Answer

You are not a terrible person at all. In fact, I would suspect that an initial reaction of fear and disappointment is more common than not.

The hard part for you is in realizing that you will indeed do what needs to be done to make sure this baby is just as loved as the others. It's instinctive.

Sure, pregnancy is not much fun, and the first few sleepless months are difficult but in a relatively short period of time you will be in a routine and in a new rhythm for managing family.

It's wise to be concerned about finances. Start planning today, and balancing your budget as best possible.

Every day you wake up with a choice. You can either wallow in the negative, or summon the courage to be positive and engage each new day with strength.

Your family needs you, so if this condition persists you should seek some counseling to work it out. Depression is a very real, and very serious condition.

Best wishes, and hang in there.Health Question & Answer

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