Should I be as worried as I am? (women only)?!

Question: Should I be as worried as I am.? (women only).?
I address this question to the readers here because I believe you can
give me an honest, considerate answer. Believe me when I say that I worry I will stay a virgin for the rest of my life. And before I begin, I am a guy who asks here only because he needs the honest feedback of a woman.

The good news: I am tall, with a v-shaped torso as well as very muscular legs. I have a face that, were it juxtaposed next to Brad Pitt's and were you to choose the better looking, it would be a coin toss.

The catch: Two years ago I injured the head of my penis, which no longer becomes very hard during erection, and has greatly diminished in size.

Everything else about my penis is normal, from about 5 inches in length to okay girth. Yes, I can get my penis up, but my head is very small and not very hard; it is now smaller than my shaft. It also looks kind of lopsided.

I fear that I will never find a girl who will want me because of this issue. As a 20 year old man, who is a very loving, this is a frightening prospect.

I ask you earnestly about your thoughts. There is no medical or cosmetic solution to this issue as yet; I have gone to doctors. If you do not think it is an issue, or too great of an issue, then please say so. If you do, then do not sugar-coat but please do not be mean.

Again, I fear that I will stay a virgin for the rest of my life. I'm so nervous that I no longer pursue girls and when they take an interest in me, I politely act uninterested.

Honest opinions.? Health Question & Answer

I do not see this as being an issue. I beleive there is someone for everyone and from what you say, it is not like you can not have sex. Even if you couldn't have sex, I am sure you would still find a women. Many people have a lot of other issues and they are happy and in healthy relationships. Don't worry about it. As long as the person loves you, they will love the entire package.Health Question & Answer

Girls shouldn't have a problem with it. If they do, just don't bother with them. There are plenty of girls out there who would accept you, because you sound like a very awesome guy. Health Question & Answer

i think if you were to date a Girl that was really interested in you that it wouldn't matter about your problemHealth Question & Answer

First of all, you are only twenty years old. Most twenty year old men have a difficult time getting sex. Some have no issues, but most do.

Secondly, you are a little young to be thinking you're a hopeless cause.

Third-- women respond to confidence more than appearance. You don't want a girl who responds to appearance only!!! Women like that aren't worth a second look. But women in general respond to confidence. A man has to be confident without being cocky. If a man has no confidence with himself, its a deal breaker for me.

Stop worrying about your virginity. Twenty is still young yet. You have a lot of years left before you need to worry about that.Health Question & Answer

Personally, sex for me is not about that. It's about emotional connection and the physical act of sex is secondary. There's way more than just intercourse that is satisfying -my husband has a condition that makes physical sex difficult - I've adapted, believe me and it is just as satisfying. Don't let this stop you from pursuing people you might be interested in - that's just stupid and it's not necessary. Sex is only one part of the whole thing - if you just "don't want to be a virgin" and that's it, pay a hooker.Health Question & Answer

To tell the truth, you just have to conquer all the pessimists of mentally and physically what other think about you. Have confident to love another human being for who they are as they will reciprocal their true color. You just know in your heart a special kind of person is out for every sweet and nice person as you are. Share your love, life, & soul to a special someone is worth it then worry all your life about the impossible pleasing other. Be optimistic. Love conquer all the impossible matter you will have to deals with through someone caring and for who you are. What important is how utilize and enjoy aspect of current life not a useless person right.Health Question & Answer

I have been an RN for over 20 years, and as a nurse I have seen thousands of penis's. There is every size and shape and width and length. Some circumsised, some not. Some curve slightly left or right. Some heads are bigger than others. I've never seen any 2 that look alike, and I've rarely seen one that looks like the textbook photos.

You need to find a woman you love and who loves YOU, not the size, shape, or functionality of your penis. (would you dump a woman you loved if you found she had one smaller nipple.? Give us women some credit here son, we aren't all selfish and shallow!)

Physically the configuration of your penis will not affect the way it makes your woman feel or your ability to give her an orgasm. (As a woman with a tilted uterus I can tell you a hard penis head bumping against the cervix is NOT a bonus!) Read some good books on pleasuring a woman - because I swear to you, most women come from clitoral stim with your hand or "toys", not from your penis alone.

Become a kind, gentle, attentive lover and NO woman will care if the head of your penis is a little different than a medical encyclopedia shows.
Health Question & Answer

I dated my hubbyy for several months and was quite surprised that he never made sexual advances toward me. I brought it up in conversation one day that i thought we were ready to the next level ofintimacyy in our relationship and that night he called and said we were over.. i wasdevastatedd! so i went to his place to talk to him and it turned out that he cannot hae sex at all... no pills or toys help him... I am OKAY with this!!! we "play" in lots of different ways my sex life has never been better and of coruse now we are married and i could not imagine being with anyone else! If you find the right girl, size, performance, what it looks like none of that matters... there can be much bigger results in the bedroom if you use your imagination and get the girl open to ideas! (and sinceyou can still have sex that is a BIG plus on your part)Health Question & Answer

This is just my honest opinion. If you had the qualities/things I'm looking for in a man, then no, I wouldn't care about what you just described. I don't think it's such a big deal that you have a small head, and 5 inches is totally fine.

But if you didn't have anything I'm looking for in a guy, and most importantly didn't know how to please me, sexually as well as emotionally, then yes your deformity or whatever you want to call it is going to be an issue that I wouldn't want to deal with.Health Question & Answer

You sound like a really nice guy.
Your penis isn't everything. If you find a nice girl, and she sticks around and gets to know you, and loves you, then I really don't think a slightly strange shaped penis is going to matter.
And if she does get weirded out, and leaves you, then she obviously isn't the kind of person you want to be sleeping with anyway, if she is that superficial and can't accept you for who you are.

Hope that helps.Health Question & Answer

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