Women: how big a deal is the menstrual cycle for you (in a day-to-day sense)?!

Question: Women: how big a deal is the menstrual cycle for you (in a day-to-day sense).?
I'm curious, men don't get them. Obviously, it's a big deal when planning for a baby, etc. but on a mundane level. How big is it.? Is it something you give almost no thought to, or is it something that can actually dramatically re-work your plans. How big a deal is it.?Health Question & Answer

It's not a big deal for me. I've had it for 6 years now, so I've kind of become accustom to getting it from month to month. I don't schedule plans around it and I don't make sure it comes on a particular day. I don't even know when the first day of my cycle is if that helps answer your question. All I really keep track of is the fact that it begins around the end of the month.

PMS is another story though. I used to get cramps so bad I'd have to stay home from school. There were other things I experienced, but cramps were the worst. Sometimes it felt like my whole body was against me (cramps, headaches, dehydration, exhaustion etc.) The two latter are because I couldn't eat or drink anything with cramps so bad.

I finally had enough of it and was prescribed birth control. Now, PMS isn't really a big deal for me either.Health Question & Answer

It's not like a huge deal, but it does get in the way of things.

Especially at school and you have to change your tampon, make sure you're not leaking, your crabby, tired and you have cramps. Then you get mad really easily and snap at everyone. God it sucks to be a woman!*Health Question & Answer

I know alot of women revolve their lives around their cycle. If they dont get it the EXACT day, hour, and minute as they usually do..they freak. I guess it makes the feel like less of a woman.

To me, is stupid and pointless. I hate when it comes. It needs to be written out the rules of womanhood.Health Question & Answer

Well to me it is a big thing because it makes swimming a bit difficult and worrying about leaking and not being able to wear some of my clothes makes it annoying and hard. f*** you cause your a guy. Health Question & Answer

umm. i know that i may need to change some plans based on it, but it doesn't really affect my life at all. it's just part of what happens every month. and it's annoying. Health Question & Answer

Initially it may be feel problem but later on it will not disturb muchHealth Question & Answer

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