I started to bleed during sex..?!

Question: I started to bleed during sex...?
So yesterday my BF and i were having sex and all of the sudden i noticed that i was bleeding...i have been sexually active for the past 4 years and the only time that has happend was my first time...he is not BIG BIG he is a perfect size...about 7" and my ex was about 9" and it never has happend with him...

What do u think it is.? and i am sorry if it is too much details for you...

should i go and see my OBGYN ASAP.?Health Question & Answer

If you bleed again then yes go see your GYN. ASAPHealth Question & Answer

this actually occurs to me almost everytime i have sex. it sucks doesnt it.? it doesnt hurt and i never notice that I'm bleeding until we're through. i went to the GYNO and she said it may be a cyst (bubble) on the ovary. and when theres too much friction (rough sex), the cyst pops or something and you bleed. therefore you should go in, and they'll probably have you get a procedure done (i forgot what its called but starts with a C) where they either go in with a tiny microscope to check it out, then freeze the cyst and remove it.
It always happened with one particular boyfriend. and when I started having sex with another bf, who was much larger, it only occured once when things started to get rough. It will still happen once in a while until you get it checked out. Health Question & Answer

This happens all the time. Dont panic, you should probably see your OBGYN sooner or later, or at least make a call just to be careful, but chances are it is nothing. Wait to see if it happens the net time you have sex. It could be maybe the position or something that made part of your hymen tear a little more. Either way let some one know so it relieves your mind. Health Question & Answer

Could it be your period.?.?.?.? Could be that or maybe he did it to hard or somehting and he hurt you.

I dont think you need to go to the OBGYN if you feel fineHealth Question & Answer

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