OK No One Answered Before I Am Freaking Out Here!?!

Question: OK No One Answered Before I Am Freaking Out Here!.?
I am on Yaz birth control (and have been for like a year and a half) and I havent missed any pills, and im not supposed to get my period until like saturday, but last night I was spotting old blood (the brown blood) and this morning I have a full blown period, pretty much normal color, but still a lot of the brown blood.

When I peed this morning it smelled like I had a bladder infection too. I thought I had one before, so I took meds that I took for my one last time (the doctor gave me extra and told me to take them if I get another one in the future, since I get them a lot.) also if I have my period can they test for a bladder infection with a urine sample.?

I am really sick to my stomach too, if that makes a difference, and of course have bad cramps.
Do I need to go to the doctor like right away or something.? Because my fiance wont take me :(Health Question & Answer

first off, kick your fiance to the curb Heidi...if someone you love is not willing to take you to get medical help that is very heartless and unloving.....I'm sorry I sound stern but come on, that person is suppose to Love & support you!

It just sounds like you got your period early, spotting brown blood and having brown blood during your period is very normal (happens to me all the time)...as for the bladder infection, you may or may not have one....the smell might have came just from your period and all that going on down there...and if you had a bladder infection going to the bathroom would have burned and been painful. Maybe you did not have a bladder infection and the meds you took could have upset your stomach a bit. Or it might just be your period and stress making your stomach act up....try not to worry- take a hot bath, bundle up, have some tea and just relax....& monitor your symptoms, if you don't feel any better maybe a close friend or parents can take you to the doctor or maybe take a cab.

If the doc tests for a bladder infection the blood can screw up the test results, so its best to wait till your period is over. But honestly I think this is just an early period, and some stress :)

Hope you feel better soon :)Health Question & Answer

Break through bleeding is totally normal for girls on the pill, no matter how long you've been on it. As for the bladder infection, if you think you should be tested for it, being on your period won't make a difference. You really are fine, bladder infections are more annoying than anything. Just don't freak out, your not dying. Get to the doctor about testing for bladder infection, but your period being off isn't a problem.Health Question & Answer

go get checked out by profesionals Health Question & Answer

wow nice fianceHealth Question & Answer

1. Go to a doctor or clinic and get checked out. Ask a friend or family to take you. If you have no one, take the bus or a cab.
2. Take a serious look at your relationship. If your fiance won't take you to the doctor, you may want tor reconsider marrying someone who doesn't care if you're ill and is so very controlling that he refuses to let you get help. That is a huge sign of possible abuse down the road. I don't care if the wedding dress is hanging in the closet. Please reconsider your relationship. Good luck on both problems.Health Question & Answer

So you're freaking out that you have a serious health problem and the person who supposedly loves you and is going to spend the rest of his life with you doesn't give a sh*t.?.?.? Find a new guy. My bf goes to every appt with me, even if it's just a routine dentists appt even thought he can't do anything and is going to be sitting in the waiting room getting bored. That's love.
Wait until you're period is over. If you have any infection, the period will probably clear it up because your period changes the ph in your V and will probably take care of the infection. Kinda like how they say to drink lots of cranberry juice if you have a unirary track infection because again it changes the ph.Health Question & Answer

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