What is the pain like .. ?!

Question: What is the pain like .. .?
when you have a baby....NOT planning or anything haha ! but i always wonder does it hurt as much as people make out.? whats it like .? Health Question & Answer

What do you think it would be like when a baby leaves the body from a small area.? Just say a few prayers and it will be over and you will forget whatever happened in a few seconds. Don't dwell on it or you will scare yourself silly!Health Question & Answer

At the time you are giving birth it is more of a pressure pain than a hurt pain. And if you are not tensing up, it is a bearable pain. If it was sooo bad then why are there so many people having second babies.? Besides that, the memory of the pain goes away, you remember it, but not the intensity. Hopes this helps. :)Health Question & Answer

Well I didn't have my natural, I ended up having a c-section with both my kids. With my first one, I had to get induced and that caused for his heart rate to decrease. Anyways, the pain was pretty bad. To me, it just felt like the worst menstrual cramps in the world. But it's a matter of how you do your breathing, cause that helps a lot. Then again there is also pain medicine they can give you to take the edge off and or an epidural. I got both...lol. It really helps cause you get a chance to rest which is what you need. However with a c-section, you don't feel anything other than the pressure you recieve when they take the baby out. It doesn't hurt though. But the healing process from that take a lot longer and it hurts a lot longer. For me I was still hurting from that for like 3 weeks. But if I had to do it again, i would. It's not too scary, it's more of an excited feeling you get cause you get to see your baby at the end. Every bit of the pain is worth it.Health Question & Answer

The stomach cramps are like REALLY bad constipation cramps.
Yes it hurts, but is SOON forgotten, until you are half way through labour the next time !!!!!
If it was that bad and the memory lasted for long after you hold you bundle of joy, every family would only have 1 child.Health Question & Answer

Think of really bad bad period pains but even more intense - the whole belly tightens and sometimes takes your breath away if you dont breathe through the pain. Some women get backache on top of that too.Health Question & Answer

Apparently The Pain Is Bad
This is why i never wanna have children and wanna adopt instead.
But it probably isnt that bad as people have loads of children sometimes. im one of 7
so yh

Health Question & Answer

I have three children and was there for all there births and everyone was different with diffrent things arisingg one thing i am happy about and that is i am a bloke
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The most Hellish period pains you can imagine and then a whole lot worse.Health Question & Answer

buh worth it lollHealth Question & Answer

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