How can i keep from bloating so bad on my period?!

Question: How can i keep from bloating so bad on my period.?
i bloat real bad before and during my period and i was just wandering what i could do to help i cant button my jeans

im 15..i dont really wanna ask my mom lol..thanks :)Health Question & Answer

The major thing you can do is to drink as much water as possible. Not to the point of making yourself ill or anything. But the more water you drink, the more you'll need to urinate and the more water you're retaining will be flushed out of your system. This is what helps me the most. But make sure you're drinking water and not sugary, caffeinated drinks, those can make it worse.

also, about a week before your period (if you know when it's coming) try to lay off the salty foods. Salt helps retain water and the more salt you eat the more water you'll retain.

also, if you know when your period is coming, it's a good idea to start taking something like Midol and Pamprin. They need to be in your body before your symptoms start in order to prevent them, so you need to take them before you start experiencing the symptoms.

I know how you feel, I've had so many period issues it's like I'm an expert.Health Question & Answer

No soda and watch your sodium intake.Health Question & Answer

drink a lot of water - it'll make you pee more, and then you'll be less bloated. Health Question & Answer

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