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Question: Hi, im 25, female, Prob is.. I've a hairy body.
Do anyone have solution how to get rid of hairs from body?
Any cream or lotion?

please, write with full details.
To have hair is human

Other Answers:
I hear lasers will burn that stuff right off.
look here, u need to make sure that u r having a good and stable s*x life and then if u r still that hairy (which i think u r just imagining) u can do the laser hair removal!
Waxing is usually best for most areas. It takes longer to grow back and usually grows back finer.

Laser hair removal is a lengthy and expensive process.
maybe your hairy body is appeal ling to someone and if you remove the hair they might not find you to be the attractive person you are.. I just sayin.
use laser therapy
Try boiling yourself it works for cow skins.
There are lots of creams and depilatories, I like veet. wax is always an option, though painful. If none of this works, go talk to a doctor or a dermatologist, they could give you something, most definitely.
Use it 2 yr advantage & join the travelling Circus?
try waxing or lasik
Go to salon and get waxed or there is laser treatment (very expensive) or electrolysis (extremely expensive) and painful.
We are not professionals. It is best that you consult a doctor specializing in your problem. thanks and god bless.
Don´t you like your body the way it is.You probably are beautiful don´t do that
there is more than cream , like one touch , but all temporary , u can remove it by laser it very good and forever
Does this really present a problem? Your husband married you, so I must think it's not a problem for him. If it's for self image, don't be so critical of yourself. You are what you are, just as I am what I am. If I could change things about myself I have quite a list, but still, I'm not dissatisfied with who and what I am.

I knew a very hairy girl in high school. All the guys used her for one thing. They figured she'd be easy (and she was) but that was only because she didn't like herself. I liked her but never got together with her because I didn't want to look like all the rest of the slob boys who were using her.

Be glad you have your husband. Find out what he wants and then explore the possibilities.


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