Why do I like diapers?!

Question: I'm in high school an I like diapers and I want to wear them. Whats wrong with me? I don't like to poop or pee in them I just like to wear them. What Should I do?
maybe you have a diaper fetish

Other Answers:
Just get other hobbies.
Get into some new styles of music.
that depends on wether or not you think you have a problem with it if you dont then why make a big deal out of it? of course if you wear them some people like loved ones and relatives might think your nutty but whatever i guess.

if you think you have a problem consult your local psychologist or mental health clinic
fetish maybe?Anyway that's sick to me.
I like how they smell
Ask a counselor,that's why they are there to help you,
anyways good luck
You must have an obsession with diapers. I think you need to talk to someone about this because as you get older it is just going to get worse. Some people have obsessions with different things, so don't think you are the only one in this world with this type of problem. Were you made to wear diapers longer than usual as a child? What do your parents' say about this? There are many ways to get help, I would start by going to your counselor at school or finding a counselor in your area to talk to. Good luck and I hope you find the help you need.
Speaking as one who is now in his fifth year of enjoying diapers (and 12 of liking the idea) all I can say is, you will probably never know why. These hings just become imprinted when we are very young and have no control over events or feelings. What's important is that you reach out to connect with diaper communities on the web to understand your feelings better and to know that you are not alone. Start with www.survivingbabyhood.blogspot. www.understanding.infantilism.. and www.dailydiapers.com

There isn't anything wrong with you; we're just wired differently. In some cases there is a sexual desire for diapers and it's just a fetish. Others find diapers make them feel secure and comfortable. And some just like the feel of diapers as opposed to underwear because diapers are thick, soft, wand warm.


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