does it take a while for your weight loss to become visible?!

Most of the time weight loss shows after you have lost 20 to 25 pounds.what I would really like to know is why it seems to show after you gain 5 or 10 (lol)

Other Answers:
it does take a while but the best way to know it is use a weighing machine or get weighed at the clinic
Yes I weighed 218 last year and I now weigh 135. No one could tell untill I was 160. But it takes a while. I find the low carb diet to work really well.
It depends on your body type, how much weight you are attempting to lose along with how much you have lost. Sometimes you will lose inches before you lose pounds, so don't get frustrated if the scale doesn't seem to go down much at first.
Actually it depends on the amount of weight you have to lose. You can really tell your weight loss by how your clothes fit rather than the pounds on your scale. As you begin to lose weight, your clothes will get bigger, your energy will encrease, your sense of self esteem will increase and others will notice shortly. Do it, don't give up.
Yes, I lost 40 pounds after many months of working out and reducing calories before coworkers noticed the weight loss. Then again, it could be because I threw out my old clothes and I got new clothing that fit better. My weight loss was not as visible when I was wearing my very large shirts and pants. Within a span of two weeks, I had about ten people at work comment on my weight loss.
It would seem like it takes a while to u but to others no. if u are tryin to lose weight and u dont notice, it isnt that u arent losin it, it is just that u always look at your body, u r sooo use to seein u in one size so u wouldnt really notice. try takin pictures before and after and i promise u would see it in the pictures. so dont worry, i bet ure still beautiful no matter wat.

Good Luck
Yes, so go by how u feel and the fit of your clothes!
It really does, but please don't be discouraged. It took a while for your body to gain those pounds, it will take a little time to lose it. Stay off of the scale.
it takes a long time for people who see you all the time to notice. I have lost a lot of weight and my family has yet to notice. I went from a size 18 pant to a size 12 so maybe they will soon


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