What's wrong with my girlfriend?!

Question: Ok, my girlfriend and I have been together for about 8 months total. Well, last night she wanted to have sex but I dint want to. She will always tell me, Ok, then we dont have to but not last night. She made me. She kinda forced me and when she got mad, I gave up and just let her. Then. I kinda sat there and she just kept staring at me. Something was different. I didnt feel like I was looking at my Nicki. Then she started to try to have sex with me and again and this time I stood firm. I wouldnt let her. She just kept lookin at me. I asked what was wrong and she had an attitude and said nothing. I started crying because I was afraid of her. I didnt know what she was going to do. Then she made me lay on top of her and she kinda held me. She started tickling me and everything was normal again. I had said something later on and she didnt remember any of it. This has NEVER happened before. What should I do? Does anyone know what might be worng?
ok, i'm guessing you told her what she did right?
blackouts can happen for a million reasons but most legitimate spontaneous blackouts stem from mental defect/illness. if she's young (like in her teens) she may be coming into a state of physical chemical imbalance. please for her own safety try to talk her into seeing a psychiatrist (not a therapist. offer her all the support in the world and assure her that you love her for who she is (that is, only if you truly do)you might also have her read this question you posted as a way to clear the air and tell her you don't really know how to help her. but you think something may be wrong and you're afraid of the event but not her. separate the event from her especially since you clearly saw that she wasn't her normal self.

sexual agression MAY also be a sign of early childhood molestation and if that guess is right then the resulting blackout would mean that she has forced those events from her memory as a means of self defense

Other Answers:
She is a lesbian
Communication through sex is not enough. You two need to communicate verbally and cerebrally..

understand each other better by examining each other's motivations
I am guessing that she may be pregnant, and wants to have sex with you so she can pin the baby on you.

Or she could just be horny.

She could also be caving in from peer pressure.
Stay away from her.
She sounds like she has problems.
ok are you a lezbo? i have know prob with that wat-so-ever. so maybe you can make her happy by doing IT with her. maybe just sitting down with her and talking. maybe tell her sometimes you just don't think you're ready for certain things at certain times. maybe just apologize even if it's not your fault. apolgize because, you feel bad. or feel the need to apologize. these are all things you could possibly try.
she's possessed, get a priest.
She didn't remember any of it? that's freaky. Had she been drinking? Hm.. I don't know why she could of not remembered. Does she have some kind of a short term memory problem? If you notice she keeps doing things and not remembering, you might want to take her to see a doctor, ASAP.
it would be hard to discuss if she doesn't remember. if she was there physically but vacated her mind-is she highly stressed? or maybe something trigged a memory and this resulted.kind of like post tramitic stress. keep talking and try to get her to a md so that she can have a full exam just to rule anything out.
Geez thats kinda weird. Im Bi so i know thats not the reson she is like that.. one time i took to much of a pain medication and me and my BF got into a fight and when he tried talkin to me about it i had no idea what he was talking about he later told me that i took medication and when he told me that i didnt remember doing it. you might want to talk to her about it and see if she is maybe depressed and taking to much medication to try and fix her pain. i have depression and i know i would take pills to get rid of the pain (not medicine for my depression, but random pills) and id sumtimes take to much and forget things or my personality would change al together. Or she might even be Bipolar. im tryin to find out if i am Bipolar and that sounds like something with that disorder might do, she could even be a scizo..i dont know how to spell it, but thats when one person literally has two personalities and doesnt remember half of the things they do. but try and ask her if shes been taking any meds that maybe she shouldnt be.
was she drinking or on drugs maby you should find out.
Only ten percent of females are outsiders and ninety percent are winner/players. There is nothing wrong with your friend. She desires you and you are male oriented for mating. This is where the unrest is for your sleep problems. You need to be loved and find peace. The outsiders really don't know what's going on. You will have to learn. Your girlfriend may not want to teach you because the depressed outsiders are the best girlfriends to have on both side of sex. Take your time. You will see more soon and don't worry. You are allowed to be you and find the kind you will desire.


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