How do I get rid of my sore throat?!

Question: It's gotten so bad that I can hardly swallow.. Dr. says it's just a virus, how can I make it hurt less until it goes away?
Ok.. please don't laugh.. but, if you eat some ice (alot, actually), then it kinda numbs your sore spot and relieves pain. Tried it! It works!

Other Answers:
take hall's. they work wonders.
I had the same thing 2 weeks ago.
Gargle then swallow aspirin, if you can take it.
My mother always told me to gargle with warm salt water, you could try that. You could take Tylenol or Advil to help, and maybe suck on those lozenges that have the stuff in them that helps numb your throat (can't think of what it's called). Other than that, you're probably just going to have to wait it out unfortunately. Get well soon!
Warm water with a slight sprinkle of salt. Wrks for me.
Drink alot of fluids.preferably water..see a specialist .Ear, Nose, and Throat .and he will better guide you .good luck
Get some Merocaine sweets. They've got a tiny bit of novocaine in them and gently numb your throat. Ask at your local chemist or drugstore they'll know what you mean.
Also, it may not be fun but drink carbonated drinks. The bubbles help attack any infections - Weird, I know but a Doctor told me that!
Ask your Doctor what to do to make it feel better
What is the treatment for a sore throat caused by a virus?

Antibiotics don't work against viruses. Infections caused by viruses usually just have to run their course. Most symptoms caused by a cold-type virus go away in a week to 10 days.

Symptoms caused by mono can last for 4 weeks or more. If you have mono, your doctor will probably suggest that you get plenty of rest and that you not exercise too hard. You can take acetaminophen (brand name: Tylenol), ibuprofen (brand names: Advil, Motrin, Nuprin) or naproxen (brand name: Aleve) for the headache and other aches.


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