How do i stop being so self critical of myself?!

Question: Everytime i look in the mirror im unhappy because either my acne of i think im fat, how do i overcome these things.
Make a list of things you LIKE about yourself. Read the list every morning when you first get up and each night before you go to bed.
What I did was force myself to come up with 3 positives about myself every time I thought of a negative.
It does work.

Other Answers:
This is a really easy answer, and it works every time.STOP! You don't think anyone else can stop it, do you? And guess what, our are the ONLY one who can stop it, so stop NOW.all the super critical stuff just wears you out, frustrates you, and leaves you feeling a failure. So STOP.are you listening good!
you can try washing your face and exercising a bit , that might help you think better of yourself. just keep telling yourself good things and theyll happen like hopeful thinking of getting rid of the acne etc.
you out grow it for the most part
the acne will subside the fat you start to acept or you get rid of it
later it will be diferent things like work and home life that you will worry about
There is no way, except to say I am what I am...I am like this 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, it drives me nuts constantly worrying about the way I am or how I look or what I makes you miserable! Quit torturing yourself, If its something you cant fix, then ignore it and act like you are the coolest person, and act natural.after all, I bet you are a really good person and just dont think other people see it .right? :)
You sound like you might be suffering from a low sense of self esteem. A good start would be to talk to a mental health professional.
Well for one don't look in the mirror so much But seriously for the acne go see a dermatologist for there's so much help now available that no one needs to walk around with extreme acne but is important you go to a dermatologist for can not only prescribe medication but also advise on diet changes.If you're eating a lot of fried, fast food, sweets etc more than likely why you're overweight. Start jogging-does wonders for improved skin due to blood circulation and eventually you,ll see less fat and Voila you'll like more what you see in the mirror. Look up Acne and Nutrition will give you some idea but still important you go see ! Doctor for weight managing plan3,Move-jog,walk just move get outside into the fresh air and away from that mirror.
just think to yourself that one of your friends had done or is doing what you are and ask your-self how they would have done it! just remember to not gip yourself on quality depending on your desired outcome!?
You did not mention if you were male or female.Mary Kay products have acne products, for men and women, and are excellent, also vitamin e& a are good for the skin. Start there first. Work on building your self confidence, and talk to someone about why and what happened in your life to give you lack of self esteem, something in your past! Figure It out go on from there, then you will conquer the weight issue. Go on a 1,500.00 calorie aday intake, but ok it with a doctor, to make sure you do not have health problems like diabeties, ect, first. good luck!
there's only one of you in this world, no other like it, how you look is not relevant as how you feel about yourself. If u really determine to change how you look, you can always follow a strict diet and exercise regimen.
You sound like me when I was a teen! But, you know what? I'm beautiful! I love myself, and I have lots of friends and family who loves me too.

I'm still over weight, and well.. I don't have acne any more, but if I don't wash, exfoliate and moisturize my face, I will still have problems.

Also, if I drink to many sodas and eat greasy foods a lot, I find that my face will still get a bump or two. So, don't be critical of yourself, do some thing about it.

If it's out of your control, ask your Mom to get some medicine from your doctor. I got something for my Son and it helped a lot! and the kids used to call him pizza face!(not very nice, is it?)

But kids can be cruel, so can some adults! But some people take longer to grow-up!

It's not what's on the outside, it's what's inside your heart that counts!

Stand up tall and proud, Because YOU are a very unique individual, and I'm very sure you have parents,(biological or adopted) family members, and friends who all love you, just the way you are!

Each time you "put yourself down" believe me,.It hearts them (the ones who love you) to hear you say it.

Always tell yourself, "I AM SPECIAL" and BELIEVE IT!
My Heart!


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