Why do people on here NOT read their questions or answers before posting them?!

Question: Why don't they use spell checking? Are they NOT smart enough?

I placed this question here because I feel it must be an issue of mental health, though I will post it in education as well.
Well some people like me have a hard time spelling because i just aint that smart. I use to do better but seems now day i cant remember as well as i once did. But let me ask you something. Just because you can spell and think you are smart dose that make you better than me. I dont think so you may be smart or think you are but spelling aint everthing and if you dont like the way people do things on here then why are you here. I realy dont like being put down because i am dumb or stupid or not to smart who are you to judge me anyway...so their roll that up in a joint and smoke it. know it all....

Other Answers:
Because alot of the people on here are idiots.It's as Simple as that.
I know, I often wonder the same thing. The occassional misspelling due to fast typing is understandable. Butt wen they strt speeling lyk dis, dat rilly bugz meh.
(1)They are lazy.
(2) They rush through writing their answers.
(3) They simply don't care
(4) They are trying to be funny/silly.
A lot of people now really don't care whether they spell something correctly. It's just the way it is.
ask this ppl because i not rong ;) i mean wrong.
I know I don't bother with spell check because I am English and I want my spelling to be in English rather than American. I think some people get their typing so wrong that even the spell check doesn't know what they are on about!
Hi there.because we all get silly sometimes and forget.
Do you have nothing better to do with your life than moan about such trivial things. You need to get out more, I suggest it's you with the mental health issues.

Get a life!
People here don't care enough to check their spelling. It doesn't bother them if words are misspelled.
beecuz mose uv us air two stoopid. ur so beeg and strong!

"Teach your children well."
1.There are lots of very young kids on this site asking questions.
2.There is also,lots of very young people answering questions on this site
3.I think the good ole U.S.A. is getting away from prefect penmanship
Because some people, sad to say, either don't have the education or are far too lazy to spell correctly. Using "then" instead of "than" just because they sound somewhat similar as opposed to knowing by the sentence itself what actually goes there. It truly is a shame that this is the direction our world is headed in.
I think a lot of the problem is generational. The people who grew up before the era of instant messaging are oriented towards using proper grammar and spelling. But some of the younger people are writing questions exactly the way they talk to their friends when they IM. What's sad is that some of these kids turn in English essays that are almost as poorly written as their questions. When they are instant messaging, speed takes precedence over clarity of expression.
You know, I was inquiring about that, too. I have also noticed that people are mixing lower case letters with capitals when writing their answers on paper. Here's an example: youqa answers.
It's because a lot of times people are rushing to be the first person to answer the question right to receive the 10 points and sometimes when people ask a question here, the question can often be unclear and don't have enough details.Like in everything, if you do a rush job, you won't get the best results as when you take your time. A lot of times too, misspellings in emails to friends is so accepted and no one says anything to change it.


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