Who would be in favor of a national health system?!

Question: Just look at the WHO list on health care system, aand you'll see that almost all of the topp 25 nation have national heaalth care, with France as #1, and that the U.S. is 38. that's two behind Cuba. this to me shows that it works, aaand we need it.
in the uk it works great,and if the waiting lists are too long then the government pay for private treatment.why should rich people get better treatment than the poor?

Other Answers:
Unfortunately, a lot of people in the US equate National Healthcare with "communism" and "socialism", and therefore anti-capitalism. What people don't understand is that healthcare costs are hurting companies and individuals alike.
Plus, as a society, how can the US claim to be so advanced when over 30 million people are without any healthcare?
I live in Canada which has a national health care system. It's a bloody mess. If the US ever adopts such a thing make sure that people have the choice of opting out of it. People are dying on wait lists here. It's idiotic.
I think it looks good from the outside, but like what was said above, unfortunately, there arent enough doctors and clinics to offer so many people treatment. Not to mention all the hypochondriacs and drug abusers.
No thanks. I'd move to another country - seriously. I'm not that committed to this one anyway.


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