ok so im 15 and my mom has nvr givin me the talk, my friends say the gyno exam i!

Question: im not sure what will really happen when i do have to have an exam.please tell me!
lol.you don't need a gyno exam till you're either 18 or you've had sex. If you've had sex you need one EVERY 2 years.same as once you've turned 18! No, they don't hurt. There is some minor discomfort but nothing worse than very very very mild period pain. A lot of girls start seeing a gyno when they're 16 or 17 just so they get comfortable with them before their first exam. This makes it a less frightening experience. I think you're friends are as confused as you are, because very few people experience PAIN! At 15 you shouldn't be worrying about this, and in all seriousness, if you're scared of the exam and people seeing "down there" I would strongly recommend holding off on having sex for a few years! You need yo be confortable with your own body before you start sharing it around!

Also, to the person with ovarian cysts, I have these too and there is no ned to go scaring people! These are extremely normal and unless they get to a ridiculous size nothing needs to be done about it. They will break up on their own. The pill will help with this, and will prevent a recurrance. Even if you go to a gyno, they won't detect them (unless they're very large) without ultrasound! This poor girl is only 15, she has no need to go to a gyno quite yet, and she doesn't need you people freaking her out any more!

Other Answers:
i woldntt get one until you have sex, it hurt, but aftersex its a breeze.
It's uncomfortable, not painful.
I hear it rather uncomfortable but dont' freak out the more you tense up the more uncomfortable it is so I hear
could u please make the question more clear!
it's uncomfortable. go to a waoman GYN. DON'T WAIT! I'm 25 and just found out I have ovarian cysts they could have been taken care of sooner if i had gone sooner.Now they have ruptured.
The exam is not painful. Thousands of women get this exam everyday. If you are considering birth control, the exam is much better than child birth~
Its not painful. Its slightly uncomfortable and usually the doctor will talk to you throughout the procedure to make you feel more relaxed. There is a breast exam in which the doctor rubs looking for lumps. There is the pap smear in which a device is inserted into your vagina so that the doctor can swab your cervix. That part is slightly uncomfortable, but quick. Then there is the pelvic exam in which the doctor puts 2 fingers in your vagina and with the other hand presses slightly on your abdomen to check your ovaries and uterus. If during the pelvic exam you feel any pain tell the doctor, it should not be painful. That's it. Hope this helps.
It doesn't hurt. You can feel it it, but it is more like uncomfortable than real pain. It only takes a couple of minutes, and there is nothing to it. Try to make yourself relax. All that happens is you put your feet up, the doctor inserts these clamp things to open you up a little. He uses a cotton swab to gather some cells from your cervix to check for anything abnormal. That just feels like pressure and doesn't hurt. Then he feels your ovaries to make sure they are normal, and that feel like a little cramp. Then it is over. He will probably do a quick breast exam. he does that with your breast covered and he just feels around in a circular pattern. That's pretty much it.
You're right it is a bit painful but remember that you have to relax. Relax yourself down there. Think of relaxing thoughts.

The doctor is going to first see your outside first to see if everything is okay on the outside, no warts or lesions or cuts. Then he/she is going to spread your legs and insert this speculum. it's made of plastic or metal depending on the doctor. The speculum looks like a duck bill. Then she/he is going to spread them open and lock them in place. He/She will have to keep them open so that they can get in side. She/he will get this stick with a small clamp and put it inside you. You are going to feel like your getting pinched. This is to grab a piece of flesh for the pap smear. It's a really small piece. Then you are done. Some doctors also check your breasts for cancer too. Although at your age, I don't know if that will be done.

I hope that this answers your question. Just remember to relax. Ask questions. If it's a male doctor, then make sure that a nurse is present so that no funny business is done to you or take a friend with you.

Good Luck!
I had the same question when i was 15. I thought it would really hurt and I was also very shy about a doctor (even a girl one) looking at my private parts. Know I know that there is nothing to be afraid of.It doesn't hurt at all. Don't worry about it.
The exam: the doc gives you a gown to put on, and leaves for a few mins. while you put it on, (take all your clothes off except your socks and put the gown on), then they come back and tell you to scooch down to the end of the examining table (so your vagina is easier for them to reach), then the doc will put some lube on his hands/fingers, and will insert a couple fingers into your vagina and feel around. He is just checking for abnormalities, polyps, cancer, etc. Then he will insert a metal device that he will gently crank wider to open your vagina a bit so he can look inside. Here again, he is just looking for any abnormalities. Then he will take a Q-tip like swab and scrape it around against the North of your vagina (the cervix). Here he is scraping off a few skin cells so that he can screen them for cancer. Then that is usually the end of the exam. He tells you to get dressed and once again he will leave as you change (from out of the gown - if it is a paper gown just ball it up and throw it in the trash, if it's cloth just roughly fold it and leave it on the examination table and put your clothes back on. Then he comes back and discusses things with you, or else he might say, get dressed and come into the waiting room, in which case you will do that (usually to find out when your results will be in). That is pretty much all I can tell you. It is not that painful. It is a little embarassing the first time, but that is normal, everyone feels that way. Remember when the doc is doing an insertion to try and relax all your muscles, this will make it easier for the doc to insert as well as decrease any pain for you.

Good luck!
Depending on your genetic history, (assuming you are not sexually active) determines if you should have an exam prior to turning 18. If there have been problems with relatives at early stages of their lives get checked. it is worth it. If not, wait. If you are sexually active then you should have an examination now.
I agree with the word uncomfortable that many people have stated vs. pain. I do not agree with it is a breeze after a person has had sex. A woman's anotomy is different from one to the next. Considering sex vs. an examination one woman may be fine with a man's entry but many women even with lubrication must adjust and adapt to their partner. (After awhile she should feel comfortable - unless there is a problem.) That is the same with the exam, it may be fine for one person but really uncomfortable for the next. i agree when people say relax. Make sure your GYN talks you through what is going to happen before and during step by step. (P.S. Don't forget the breast and rectal exam - uncomfortable but all three can save your life.)
Here is a link with lots of info. about what it's like to go to the gynecologist for the first time. I think it will answer the questions you're asking. Please, if you become sexually active, remember that you need a gyn visit EVERY year. I hope this site helps you : )



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