Would you eat penis flavored ice cream ?!

jeez, this takes second place for wildest question I have seen here on this site after:
I caught my 7 yr old giving eh...head to a 9 yr old.
umm.maybe just a taste.

well i guess its like givng head but not really.interestng.
and what .are you manufacturing this!?
you and Jessica simpson could turn this into an edible body lotion as well.
Penile heaven..LOLOLOLOLOL!!

Other Answers:
your gross!
no way
mmm not really, theres not much taste, it wud be like skin tasting icecream, wierd question
will there be whipped cream on top?
why would you even ask such a question?
no-It would niot be an enjoyable desert
that is gross and nasty! why would u wanna know if people would eat that..i think ur crazy..i tihnk u know what my answer is!
No, I never tasted a penis before.
no. What a stupid question! You must be bored like me sitting in the house with a broken foot!
Wouldn't this taste different for every person?
No why would you ask such a desperate question?
Poor girl! Is it that bad? You are this desperate?
I would taste it, if it tasted like my husbands penis
Is it made from real penises?
Nevermind I'll pass anyway.


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