i need help from an expert!?!

Question: I have been doing exercising, about 6 days a week...3 days of HIIT cardio, 3 days of weight lifting. I eat approximately 1300-1600 cals a day. I know my RMR is about 2200 cals. I eat very cleanly.5-6 small meals a day.breakfast is a whey protein shake (200 cals). I drink this about 30 mins after my workout. 3 hours later i eat a protein bar (200 cals), then a lean cusine and a salad (400-500 cals), then another protein bar (200 cals), then i eat a string cheese and a piece of fruit (180 cals). If this does not equal over 1200 calories i eat straight oatmeal (160 cals) (no sugars). I take the EC stack 2x a day plus multi vitamin and calcium. I know muscle weighs more than fat..but my body has been this same weight AND size for like 2 months now, and i'm getting frustrated! I chew gum, and drink 24 oz of diet coke a day. I follow the body for life program incorperated with the cheat day..i drink alcohol on this cheat day..is the alcohol making me keep the weight on? HELP!
-Alcohol and Diet Soda could be the culprets: try cutting them out for a week or so and see what happens.
*Diet is all about trial and error, so you should try switching up your meals a bit and see what works better for you: for instance, instead of your weight protien shake have an eggwhite scramble and instead of that lean cuisine(that has A LOT OF SALT in it) try grilling your own chicken in advance and whip it out whenever you get the urge to eat. And as for that string cheese and fruit, why dont you try veggies and mustard(lower calories and less fat too!) I am just giving you different ideas..take it or leave it, but I can promise you that if you mix things up on a day to day basis, your weight stall will come to an END!

Other Answers:
skip the weight training and just do cardio or fat burn
till you get to your desired weight


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