is there a cure from fibromyalgia?!

no there is no cure for fibromyalgia. you can only treat the symptoms with antidepressants and pain medication.
you can also do massage therapy and relaxing techniques.
i go tan sometimes and the warmth from the tanning beds help, you can also go to the ymca and use the pool to swim in, a nice hot bath helps and also a hot tub if you have access. if you co to immune they will tell you a lot on fibromyalgia and it being also related to chronic fatigue syndrome. you also need to get as much rest as possible. i have this pain in the butt disease also and it is like cancer you have good days and bad days but with this kind of help out there it can get easier. they also have many support groups and also some chat rooms on the Internet.

Other Answers:
My sister-in-law was diagnosed with this. She went to a large medical center. They gave her an antidepressant, and it worked. Later, when she got off the antidepressant another doctor gave her DHEA. She said it worked too. She hasn't had any trouble with it lately. Maybe she's in remission.
No, there is no cure for fibromyalgia.but it can be treated.

They say that massage is a proven treatment for this disability but I don't know so do your research and don't believe everything you hear or read on the Internet.



Fibromyalgia can be debilitating in all of its forms. This condition also has a remarkably wide range of symptoms and intensities and can be difficult to detect and treat. A major problem today is that people with this condition are often so medicated with such a wide variety of pharmaceuticals that they begin to have more complicated problems from their medication while finding little or no relief from the fibromylagia. The Bridge program has helped many to manage this condition with little or no medication and some have even eliminated their symptoms completely. Proper diet, movement, massage, acupuncture, traditional medication, supplements and herbs are all used appropriately in the intensive and comprehensive program. Again, the basic tenet of our program is to help your body balance and in so doing, help your system to regain its health.

Please check out the Web Sites listed here for you.
as a follow sufferer of fibromyalgia I very much doubt it. Apart from medication and listening to your pains consultant we have it for life (sorry)
Self management of long term health conditions
I am sorry to say there is not a cure for fibromyalgia. My mother has it and it is a horribly painfull disease. It is also a hard one to get a full diagnoses of, and many individuals suffer a long time before a Dr. finally diagnoses it.

However, these is good treatments out there to help keep it under control. During a "Flare up" all you can do is wait it out, rest, place cool compresses on any portion of the body with swelling and redness, and move around but much more slowly than when not in a flare up.

There are many medications, lots of which are used for RH too, which is Rumatoid Arthritus. I did not spell the first word right, I hope the spell check works this time, it often doesn't. Anyway, seeing a Dr. a Dr. who is highly trained in arthritus and fibromyalgia and caring to his/her patients, on a regular basis is very important. The Dr. can arrange a therapy for the treatment. Each individual who suffers from this, while many of the symptoms are the same, are differant. Each needs his/her own individual therapy plan. What works well for one, will not work well for another.

Also, some people have high pain tolerance, while others have lower pain tolerance. Also, pain levels differ from sufferer to sufferer, so you can not compare one to the other. Those with high pain tolerance may be judgemental of those who have lower pain tolerance levels. This is wrong, judging and comparing is wrong and hurfull. When somebody is already suffering physical pain, to heap emotional pain on top is just insensitive and mean.

It is also important the person who has fibromyalgia live in an enviroment which is calm, quite, peacefull as possibe, not chaotic or loud, especially not abusive. Stress can and will trigger flare ups which can debilitate the sufferer for days to weeks.

Those who love the person suffering from this disease need to be supportive and understanding. They need to realize living with cronic pain is something that just can beat a person down. Unrelenting pain pounds at a person and makes them depressed and sad. It also can make them consider suicide, especially if family is not supportive and makes the person feel as though he/she were a burden. Often just not being supportive or understanding can be abusive, in my opinion.

Sufferers of fibromyalgia are not "faking" pain. Nor are they wanting people to "feel sorry" for them. Rather they just need love and understanding, and consideraton from family and friends. It is difficult to get out and do things when you are in pain, but it is important to get the person out of the house as much as possible. Otherwise they begin to feel like they are isolated, in jail in a since. They often feel like life is over for them.

Movement is important. Even though it hurts to move, it is very important to get them up and moving around. Sitting or laying in bed all day will make it worse by freeszing up mucsles and ligiments. So, move around but slowly and give encouragement.

I suffer from cronic neuropathy and back/spine pain. I know how it is to be in constant pain day after day. I do not have fibromyalgia, but cronic pain is horrid and depressing. I thank God every day I have supportive husband, family and friends.

Good luck, and I wish all happiness.
Mom has fibromyalgia and RH, I have cronic pain from neropothy and spinal damage.


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