is regular use of Viagra is not good for health ?!

For MOST men it is fine! A few definitely should NOT take it, especially those taking nitrite drugs for their hearts. Hey it can KILL them if that's the that a good enough reason not to take it? A study found that a VERY FEW men actually lost some eyesight (some temporarily, some permanently) after taking it but there is considerable evidence Viagra was not the specific cause (they would have lost the eyesight anyway) and for most men it's still considered very safe to use. Side effects are usually minimal. The key thing is SEE A DOCTOR BEFORE USING IT though.

Other Answers:
NO get in the groove
It depends on your age, condition, health etc.
You know what counter-indication viagra gets, so you should control from time to time some functionality, thro clinic exams. As usually I see that you take potions without talking with any physician!


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