how can we get our kids motivated to exercise?!

Play with them. Do not tell them it is exercise but take them outside and chase them around and then play kick ball.everything counts and the more you do it the better shape they will be too!

Other Answers:
Give them a Snickers bar after they run, works for me!
Chase them with a plate of liver and onions. Running is healthy exercise.
Exercise with them, make some type of playing game that they would like to do. But have some type exercise in that game, and play the game with your kids.
Giving kids candy after a workout kind of defeats the purpose. You have to make it fun for them. If they are young, take them to a state park and hike. Make it into a game. Tell them whoever finds the most pinecones (or whatever item you choose) gets a prize. Give them something healthy like yogurt ice cream instead of regular ice cream. They are more likely to want to exercise if there is something in it for them. If they run around the park for a certain distance, reward them with a movie after. As long as you make it fun for them, they will want to do it. If you tell them they have to do it because you said so, they won't want to and as soon as you stop telling them that, they will stop exercising all together. Bowling is exercise. Take them bowling once a week and just play a couple of games. Most kids like sports, try taking the whole family to play basketball. I don't think I've met a kid yet who didn't like to swim. That burns a lot of calories and it is fun for them.
Play tag or just go for family walks.Don't tell them they have to exercise,just make it a part of their day.If that doesn't work,bribe them.
Find an activity that everyone can enjoy. Typically, a strong sense of social support for an activity among the whole family will fuel the child's will and want to do it more. Possibly supplement that activity with rewards for the child, going to the zoo, park, camping. Also, educate them on how it may improve health, performance, social well-being. Try to be innovative if neccesary, go to the grocery store everyday instead of once a week (gets them walking around the store). Walking short distances instead of driving, or anything you can think of. Whatever you do, make sure you positively re-enforce the activity so it is a life-long learning/appreaciation.


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