can yeast infection and mestruation cause outbreak?!

outbrake of what?

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outbreak of what? yeast or stds?
I assume you mean an outbreak of herpes..Although some people with herpes report that their outbreaks are brought on by another illness, stress, or having a menstrual period, outbreaks often are not predictable. In some cases, outbreaks may be connected to exposure to sunlight.
Repeat outbreaks (recurrences) can be related to emotional, physical, or health stresses. Some women experience recurrences around the time of their period.
I have not heard of a link between yeast infections and herpes outbreaks, although many women are misdiagnosed with a yeast infection, when they really are having a herpes outbreak...R
ecurrent bouts of "yeast infections" or "urinary tract infections" may actually be genital herpes outbreaks.


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